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    In some articles, to better understand the situation, we compare some human beings to various animals.

    For us, who created the DirectDemocracyS system, with the purpose that everyone knows, and that this time, we'll let you guess, it is important to clarify some official positions. Today we talk about migratory phenomena, therefore the movement of many animals, from one place to another, of our, and their planet.

    Let's make one thing clear right away, so that the stupid and superficial people will not have to waste their precious time reading this article of ours, which like many others, will be considered too long.

    When we talk about us, or, DirectDemocracyS, we refer to all our activities, and to all the people who join us, becoming an integral part of it. Our values, our ideals, our principles, are like our rules, our methodologies, our motivations, our goals, our paths, and fundamental instructions, they are not negotiable with anyone, and are mandatory, with anyone who joins us.

    Let's not give a natural science lesson, everyone knows that almost all animals move continuously, to find food, the possibility of mating, and to live a better life. Then, some men came along, who claimed to teach Mother Nature to change her habits, often for questionable interests. Don't worry, we are not referring to habits, tastes, and sexual preferences, those, and even the stupid know it, are present in various forms, in many animals, and are completely natural, and only those in bad faith try to deny it, making a bad impression. We are referring to the fact of restricting the natural habitats, in which these animals can move freely, not always to save the crops. There is also a bad habit, of restricting the entire life of many unfortunate animals to a cage, and very little space, and again we must explain to you, that we are not referring to those who do it, to save from extinction, or, to save the life, of many specimens, of many species. We are not extremists, of any kind, especially like certain animal rights activists, who with their few functioning neurons, would release all the animals in zoos and circuses into the cities, or nearby, with obvious dangers for people. With all due respect, for all forms of life, for us the safety and health of people, of all people, comes before, in order of importance, that of any animal. Those who generalize, with stupid phrases, such as: "animals are better than people", simply want to shout, to the whole world, their discomfort, and their ignorance, saying: "friends, I have had the misfortune of having met, many bad people". The correct phrase, which denotes an above-average intelligence, which we are sure is right is: "some animals, are better, than some people". There are therefore, unconscious people, who would empty the zoos and circuses, where animals are fed, and can reproduce, without any risk, to release them into nature, where 99% of them, being born and raised in captivity, would survive, only a few days, not being accustomed, to the rules of wild nature. Many of those who love animals, often create a lot of damage, and always because of their superficiality, their lack of education, and in many cases, because of their chronic stupidity.

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    Meet and try our system

    Meet and try our system

    After having met DirectDemocracyS, and after having possibly contacted it, receiving a response from us, the time has come to meet it, and try it.

    Use security deposit

    Use security deposit

    The funds paid, with the escrow, have created some legitimate questions, in many of our potential users, we want to clarify them, with this informative article.

    Help people in difficulty

    Help people in difficulty

    To participate in our activities, safety measures are necessary, to prevent any possible problem, and we use the payment of a small sum of money, as a security deposit, which prevents people with bad intentions from joining us. After having tested many of our potentialities, in many of our activities, for a year, you must choose whether you want to stay with us, using part or all of the sum paid as a security deposit, for the payment of a very small annual fee, or, if you do not want to stay with us, and you have behaved well, you will receive back, at least 80%, of the sum paid, as a security deposit. For now, everyone has decided to stay with us, even after the first year of testing, of some of our activities, because they have realized, that together, we can do a great job, and we can really change, and improve the world. They are small sums of money, which allow us to always be free, independent, and incorruptible.

    For those who have financial problems, we have provided many possibilities to obtain benefits, including the possibility of requesting technological help.

    We enter your homes

    We enter your homes

    Each phase of our activities is very important and fundamental for our entire system, but the local phases, which began at the end of 2024, are perhaps the most important, because they allow us to do politics in the territories, and therefore to enter, on tiptoe, and with legitimate motivations, into your homes.

    Defects of direct democracy

    Defects of Direct Democracy

    So far, in our short history, we have written and published over 300 informative articles and over 1800 posts on our Blog. We have made public a tiny part of our long, hard work to make our system known to a few carefully selected, brilliant minds.

    Rights to sex and homosexual love

    Question 3.

    The majority of the population is heterosexual, and you have open positions on homosexual couples. In this way, you will lose many voters. Don't you think of taking a definitive position?

    Answer 3.

    System Integrations

    System integrations

    One thing that not everyone knows about our system and our political organization is the existence of an integration group of other political forces. This group, based on specific, very detailed rules, allows all political representatives and entire political forces, therefore entire traditional political parties, to enter our system as integrated parts.

    Politics not just rules

    Politics not just rules

    DirectDemocracyS, could be a great project, but for now, you just write, lots of rules, methodologies, instructions, and never talk about politics. Where do you fit, in the traditional, constitutional political spectrum? Right, left, center, center right, center left, conservative, liberal, green, progressive, reformist, democrat, republican? My solution, do more politics, and less rules. Simplify everything.

    Our answer.

    Time is precious

    This is my first informational article, created, edited, discussed, and voted, together with my fantastic, and very efficient, security special group, and submitted, to all the other special groups, and to our group, for the publication of informational articles. It will be published, on the official website, to present, my recent activity, of course, when it is published, it will be adapted, to the needs of those who will share it, if authorized by DirectDemocracyS. Towards the end, I will explain, some important, and hopefully useful, things for all of you.

    Right choices and wrong choices

    Right choices and wrong choices

    Every decision we make can be right or wrong, but in any case, every choice we make, by anyone, has consequences.

    Even when you choose who to trust, yourself, you make a choice, and you don't always make the right decision.

    The passwords

    The passwords


    Implementing regulations.

    Article 01. Personal passwords in our system.

    All personal passwords, of the DirectDemocracyS system, are decided, and chosen, by each of our users, based on the implementing rules.

    Political pyramid scheme

    Political pyramid scheme

    DirectDemocracyS, does it have a pyramid scheme?

    I have no solutions to propose, but I would like some explanation. Thanks.

    Our answer.

    First of all, a brief introduction.

    Anyone who has studied, in a comprehensive way, the public information, which concerns our entire system, and our political organization, will have realized, that there are implementing rules, very detailed, and that they are almost all made public, little by little. Those who are already our users / voters, know that everything we decide, is never random, but is the fruit, of many years of proposals, discussions, changes, votes, and tests, to prevent in an optimal way, every possible problem.

    Our geographical groups

    Our geographical groups

    The local phases will allow us to create our own political organization, in every administrative, territorial, geographical, electoral, urban and rural subdivision.

    In this informative article, we will see how our methodology works, and some of our rules, short, simple, but very safe, to best implement this important phase.

    Groups rules

    Basic rules of all groups

    One of the many strengths, and a feature, that makes DirectDemocracyS unique and inimitable, is our shared leadership, which forces us, and allows us, to decide everything together, based on detailed rules. The second strength, is represented by the right of ownership, which provides that each of our official members, is the owner, together with all our official members, of our entire political organization, of all our websites, and of all our activities.

    Happy Holidays

    happy holidays EN

    We have decided to write and publish a public message of sincere good wishes for all the people of the world, from all of us in DirectDemocracyS.

    Message 20241214

    2024 is about to end, and for our immense family, it has been a very tiring year, but very rich, with great satisfactions.


    In our article, where we talked about freedom, which for us is a fundamental and non-negotiable value, we talked about people who cannot distinguish partial good from total evil.

    Freedom and democracy are non-negotiable

    There are many things that we can base on our preferences, for example, what we like to eat, drink, how we like to dress, or our haircut. We can also choose: our favorite movie genre, or the writer we like the most. We can choose the genre of music, the singer, and the favorite band. There are infinite variations, and all of them are right, because personal tastes, and preferences, of everyone, are not up for discussion, and must be respected. We can also have political preferences, for a party, or for a specific political representative, without the risk, or the fear of being judged, by those who believe they are better, just because they prefer to be manipulated, and brainwashed, by a specific person, or political force. Those who choose us, make a courageous, intelligent, informed choice, and wherever they come from, they will never be discriminated against, or mocked.

    Local phases

    Thanks to the hard work of everyone who joined us, over 7 months ahead of schedule, our local phases are officially starting.

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