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    Rules for specialist groups

    rules for specialists

    Introduction about groups.

    DirectDemocracyS in all its activities has a shared leadership among all our official members, therefore, every fundamental decision is completely managed, controlled, evaluated and voted on, with the help of groups, always composed of our users, who they are our voters, and our sole owners.

    DirectDemocracyS does not have a leader, and there is no decision, even the most banal, taken by a single person.

    In DirectDemocracyS, people have the right to propose every project and every activity they wish to be carried out, in the groups used for the proposals, in the right ways, at the right times, according to our rules, our instructions, and in based on our methodology.

    All our user groups have specific activities, with general rules, ways of working, and instructions, the same for everyone, and some specificities, based on our needs.

    The types of groups are divided into special groups and ordinary groups, with the relative codes.

    The special groups are as follows:

    00 Special Group of the Board of Arbitrators, made up of our 282 founding members, who do not carry out direct activities, but are consulted, based on specific rules.

    01 Special Administration Group. It is the group in which we work in a concrete way, and where our official members and many of our users are found.

    02 Special Security Group. The group that completely controls each of our users and all of our activities.

    03 Special Group Rules. The group of our rules, which verifies the regularity of each of our users and of each of our activities.

    04 Special Group on Equality and Meritocracy. Check that there are always the same possibilities for everyone, and evaluate the best users. Check that the right people are in the right place.

    05 Special Group Logic Common Sense Mutual Respect. The name explains very well what the tasks of this group are.

    Every activity carried out, every single decision made, must receive the approval of all 5 special groups, and in many cases, the authorization of the 00 group is needed, which certifies that the activity complies with our principles, ideals, and founding values.

    This method of shared leadership prevents any possible problem, because each of our choices, before it becomes final and executive, is carefully analyzed and voted on by many groups.

    Some decisions will be made public only on our websites, based on the types of users, others will be made public, even outside DirectDemocracyS, through the external dissemination group of our decisions.

    The ordinary groups are as follows.

    06 Specialist Groups. Each of our groups of users receives all information, in a complete, detailed way, with all possible alternatives, and forecasts on the consequences of each decision taken, by groups of users, of type 06, called precisely, groups of specialists, divided by topics, specialization, and composed only by high-quality experts, often the best in the world.

    07 Geographical Groups. They are our territorial subdivisions, and our geographical representations. They carry out activities, according to very detailed rules.

    08 Numeric Groups. They are our innovation, and we will talk about them in other dedicated articles.

    09 Related projects. These are all activities connected to DirectDemocracyS, in addition to politics, there are financial and economic activities that our users carry out together, in an organized way, and independent of political activities.

    Each registered user, with verified identity, can be part of the groups, to which he has the right to access, based on specific rules, by phase, by type of user, and each of our official members, as owners, together with all our official members of any of our activities, can be part of any group, without any limitation, except in the specific rules, of each type of group, which for example, may require any professional qualifications (for example groups of specialists, in which only expert people have access), or, in certain cases, certain types of user (for example, for the activation of new users, you must be at least an administrator to have access to the new user activation group).

    Each group, which has 2 digits, has various subgroups, of 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or even more digits, always with the first 2 digits initialed, based on the specific rules and activities, and on the official list, of our group subdivisions.

    The general rules, of all groups, are published in various articles.

    Each group has an internal regulation, based on general rules, and the necessary specificities, based on the activities carried out.

    Rules for specialist groups.

    06 Specialist Groups.


    Having groups of experts, on any topic, who are free, independent, honest, sincere, and composed only, and exclusively, of people with proven abilities, with merit, and with demonstrated skills, is essential to guarantee the success of all our activity.

    The first people who joined us, invited by the first 5 who had the idea to create and activate DirectDemocracyS, were experts, from every sector, and competent on every topic, from many countries around the world.

    The selection based on merit has guaranteed, and will forever guarantee, all our users to make informed choices, and therefore the best ones for everyone, in the interests of the entire world population.

    Every word and every sentence written in each of our articles is part of our rules and our methodology.

    Each part, which seems written in little detail, is however developed in detail and specified in internal rules, in which every concept expressed is explained and clarified.

    Composition of groups of specialists.

    Participation and work in our groups of specialists is only permitted to people who demonstrate with documentation and verification tests by our specialists that they have studied, taught, worked, or to work actively, in certain sectors, with excellent results. Specialization courses can be organised, with preliminary and final exams, for people who, although specialized, were not immediately accepted into the various groups. Incompetent people or people who are simply passionate about certain topics are not accepted and will never be accepted.

    One of the secrets that make DirectDemocracyS perfect and infallible in every activity, of any type, is having the right people, in the right roles, on a meritocratic basis, while starting from the basis of equality.

    Age limit.

    There are no age limits to actively participate in our groups of specialists. For minors under 18, the authorization of their parents or legal guardians is sufficient, which is mandatory to join us, register and create a personal profile. We recommend the presence of parents, and their complete control over the activities carried out by their children.


    As in all our activities, there is no discrimination, whether based on sex, race, skin color, religion, citizenship, nationality, sexual orientation, and other forms of discrimination. However, thanks to our user evaluation groups, we distinguish good people from bad ones, not accepting and excluding the bad ones. Our second form of discrimination is based on intelligence, education, and competence.

    So, for good people, let's put equality into practice, but with meritocracy, always together, and continuous over time.

    Types of specialist groups.

    In all of our activities, from our conception, to the long years of creation, design, and operational tests, we have often found ourselves having the need to make choices, or to solve certain problems, to prevent any unpleasant situation. We have never been satisfied with improvised ideas, solutions or responses from incompetent people. We needed, we need, and we will always need, people who have the ability to advise, without imposing, and documenting every answer to all our continuous questions. For each question, a group of specialists was created, who would also answer subsequent questions regarding the same topic. In the initial stages, our members proposed themselves, the experts we needed, with the classic phrase: "I know the right person for this role". After making our project partially public, it was enough to wait for intelligent people and specialists to register and join us, for each topic, in each sector, and insert them, almost immediately, into the various groups created previously, or, creating all the necessary groups.

    Demonstrate your competence.

    It is not enough to say: “I am competent”. To be part of our groups of specialists, each person must have studied, with excellent results, the topics and sectors of activity in which they wish to work with us. Must work, or have worked, with excellent results, in the various sectors of expertise. They must, if possible, have all the qualifications to be able to teach in their respective sectors.

    Diplomas, certifications, and all necessary tests are requested and verified by our control groups.

    In certain cases, tests, questionnaires, specialization courses, with related partial and final exams, may be required in order to access our groups of specialists, or to continue being part of them. Our control groups, and our skills assessment groups, will allow access to, or remaining in the various groups, only to suitable people.

    Right mentality, and humility.

    Having a mentality, suited to our rules, methodologies, and typicality, is essential to be able to join us, and to work together with us. Simple, albeit essential, competence is not enough for us, but we need each person's adaptability to our working style. DirectDemocracyS is not satisfied with being a good project, it must be the best project, fair, equitable, ethically flawless, and with excellent results, in everything we do together. We don't need vain people, or people who believe they are the best, we prefer expert, humble people, willing to work and sacrifice themselves for the common good.

    Work voluntarily and free of charge.

    According to our rules, each person voluntarily donates a small part of their time for others, therefore, all the activities of the expert groups are also carried out in an organised, voluntary and free manner. This methodology, like all our rules, applies to specialists in the top 10, among the best in the world, as well as those from the top 1000 onwards. Competence, mentality and humility are not enough, we must work continuously, voluntarily and freely to change and improve the world. Each of us must do our part, and make our own contribution, of time, competence and effective work.

    Financial income, and division of any prizes.

    If in the initial phases, and in the subsequent activities, one works in one's free time, continuously, voluntarily, and free of charge, over time, thanks to the continuous and guaranteed income, in money, goods, and services, the best members, of the groups of specialists, as they have been, are, and will be, those in all the other groups. As always, the prizes will be decided by our groups evaluating the work carried out, and delivered by the award groups of our users, based on the quality of the work carried out, and on the concrete results obtained. With the start of our economic and financial activities, and the use also by these investor groups, our specialist groups, our inter-group collaboration groups, and our financial and economic mediation groups, will be able to use, a portion of the earnings received, to reward our specialist groups, and all other groups.

    Working with DirectDemocracyS.

    The best specialists, and in many cases entire groups of experts, will be able to obtain cash prizes, goods, shares of our trading companies, and free services. Some specialists may be hired and work with us on a fixed-term, part-time basis, but also on a permanent, full-time basis. Even for specialists, our rules on awards and on the hiring of people who work with us are valid.

    Individual work and group work.

    For the awards of the best users, what counts: actual work and concrete results obtained. Working in "winning" groups certainly ensures better rewards than less active groups. For this reason, our users can be part of various groups, based on precise rules, according to their will, and their free time. The groups themselves decide how to distribute the prizes, under the supervision of all our special groups, to prevent and avoid internal struggles and injustices.

    A complex mechanism, but perfect, safe, fast, and efficient.

    Having worked hard, many people, for many years, on every possible scenario, and on every possible problem, it is almost impossible to find flaws, inaccuracies, or “missing rules” in any of our activities, of any kind. We know well that it may seem presumptuous, but it is simply realism. We were born from the banal phrase: "we live in an unjust world", continued with the phrase: "we must change and improve the world", and then with the phrase: "we must start politics". Not everyone knows the next sentence, which was: "we must create, and materialise, political perfection". To those who believe that perfection does not exist, we address our usual invitation: "take some time, study carefully, reading all our public information, and you will realize that it exists". The second invitation, for those who look for defects at all costs: "don't be hasty in your judgments, or even superficial, read everything we publish, and then, if you don't like something, join us, and ask to change it and improve it, which are not simply the logo, the name, or other aesthetic things, which although important, are not fundamental". Our perfection also exists thanks to the constructive criticism of anyone who joins us.

    Phases of specialist groups.

    As with all our activities, the work of our groups of specialists also takes place in phases.

    Temporal, initial and continuous phases.

    At the beginning of our activities together, groups of specialists met sporadically, as needed. In the subsequent phases, all groups of specialists, at all levels, will work, also thanks to the earth's time zone, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

    Geographical and territorial phases.

    The initial phase, as always, is the international one.

    The first and best specialists were included, from the first minute, in the international groups, always trying to put meritocracy and representativeness into practice. In the current phase, and in the future, people representing all the populations of the earth are already present, and will also be present in the future, in all our expert groups, at an international level. For us, for reasons of representativeness, the people come first, and are always the most important, and not only the countries from which they come. According to our rules, for very small countries, or for populations with fewer members, there is a very useful method, the loan of representatives. In practice, large countries, with large populations, can lend, and include in our groups, one or more representatives, in place of the representatives, of small countries, with smaller populations, on the basis of clear agreements, mediated by the group of representativeness. Obviously, for groups of specialists, professional skills and competences will be mandatory and always guaranteed.

    The subsequent phases, at a geographical and territorial level, are based on geographical subdivisions, in this order: continental, national, state, regional, provincial, district, and local. As always, even specialists at an international level can be present and organize all the groups they wish, in the territorial and geographical subdivisions in which they were born and in which they reside permanently. But in many cases, certain experts, for reasons of time, prefer to recommend, propose, and appoint other experts, of recognized value and ability, to replace them, and represent them, in the "minor" but always fundamental geographical phases, to obtain excellent results. results. This methodology, of recommendation, proposal, and nomination, is the same in all our activities, with specific and detailed rules. Obviously, when there are these recommendations, proposals and appointments, whoever makes them assumes all responsibility for the person chosen.

    The phases, by type of user.

    When they join us, by registering and creating a personal profile, we ask each of our new users what their studies are, present or past, their work activities, present or past, and obviously, their specializations. Knowing from anyone who joins us, in which topics, and in which areas of activity, they can do a better job together with us, is essential.

    If at the beginning of our activities, experts on every topic, and in every sector, were invited by our founding members to join us, over time, thanks to the new users, it was necessary to make a selection, to allow to the best, to have important roles and greater responsibility. At the beginning, we often invited each other by word of mouth, and almost everyone agreed to join us, immediately understanding our enormous potential.

    We have also lost some users, who hoped to be able to carry out certain activities, despite not having the skills. Better to have a few lost users than incompetent and not well-prepared people in crucial roles. The phrase we often repeat is: each person will be able to carry out the activities in which they can give better results, for themselves, for our other users, and in general, for the entire world population.

    Currently, only certain types of users can access specialist groups. For example, specialist roles, new users, and partially verified users cannot. For the simple reason that, not being certain of their identities, we cannot entrust them with responsible and highly important activities. For every activity carried out, in every area of our work together, each person is carefully monitored, and every action they perform remains imprinted, indelible, in their Curriculum Vitale, in DirectDemocracyS. From the most banal activity, such as accessing one of our websites, a comment, or a discussion, up to the most complex activities, until it comes out, a cumulative LOG file is created by our system, which assigns scores, and preliminary assessments. Our innovative and perfect artificial intelligence checks and evaluates every LOG file, and therefore every activity, of each of our users, and recommends to the evaluation groups of our users, the best, the worst, those who do a good job with us, and those who don't. Decisions are always made by people, in various groups, with regular discussions and votes. We use technology only to be faster, and for the fact that it allows us more in-depth control, without any preference, and without any favoritism, but people decide, and always in groups. People who fear modernity should calm down and relax, we will be the last, in every sector, to be "subjected" to machines. We are the ones who exploit technology, and not the other way around. And this infallible method of ours will never change.

    Even in groups of specialists, our "hierarchy" is put into practice, regarding roles, but without advantages, on meritocracy, and on equality. There are groups, in which in addition to qualifications, the availability to make oneself available to others is also needed.

    Some final explanations.

    The first to join us certainly have the advantages and facilities they deserve for having trusted us. Trust, which we reciprocate and reward over time. But every role of responsibility obtained must be confirmed every day, by one's work together with us, and by the concrete results obtained, as well as by one's own behavior. All the advantages and facilities continue even with the arrival of new users, equally deserving, or perhaps more deserving. No problem. Unlike external society, in our micro-society, we create roles of responsibility for everyone, and verify their merits over time. In this way, we are fair, and we maintain healthy, fair internal competition, which is essential for growing and remaining perfect. We brilliantly prevent and avoid any possible internal struggle for power and wealth, thanks to our rules and our methodologies, respected by all.

    Direct democracy.

    A limitation of direct democracy is that voters do not have all the skills to decide on every type of topic, not having all the necessary bases to make a correct decision. Many people, therefore, fear that too much power to decide, given to "ignorant" people, could create situations in which the choice is not the best one.

    What would the solution be? Many propose allowing only intelligent people to vote, but in this case, we would not be talking about democracy.

    Furthermore, not all of the current political class has political representatives, specialists in everything. Often, they don't even have basic education, and even when they are educated, they aren't educated on every topic.

    Therefore, even by taking away the vote from the ignorant, completely eliminating democracy, creating the dictatorship of the "supposedly intelligent", the problems would not be solved.

    Current society must be changed and improved, in every sector, especially in the political one, maintaining democracy and making it better. DirectDemocracyS keeps democracy and individual and group freedom alive, makes it authentic and above all concrete, integrating it with ethically correct rules, methodologies and values. Furthermore, the old politics believes that the population is stupid, and in part it is. In fact, voters continue to trust old political parties, with non-existent ideologies, and which when they exist, are often unsuccessful, false, unjust, corrupt, and steal the power to decide from the population, which lives, helpless and helpless, in an oligarchic party system, immediately after the elections. We are innovative, alternative, and certainly better, because we guarantee power to the people, even after all the elections. We guarantee absolute and complete power of our voters over their political representatives, before, during, and above all after the elections, but you already know this! However, you do not know the next wall in detail.

    Thanks to our groups of specialists, which are thousands, continuously growing, made up of thousands, often tens of thousands, and soon millions of experts, and thanks to our rules, and above all to our perfect and infallible methodology, every single user, in groups in which he has to decide, he will do so in an informed way, knowing the various possibilities, and the exact consequences, foreseen for each possible choice. Voting, in a conscious, correctly informed way, in a clear way, also having to motivate our decisions, will allow us to always choose in the right way.

    We have made direct democracy perfect, competent, and infallible.

    To some, it may seem too complicated, but we guarantee you, that not only does it work perfectly, but everything happens very quickly, in a very relatively simple way, and above all in the right way for everyone.

    We must thank all our users, thanks to whom, anyone who tries to copy us will never, in any way, be able to obtain our results. The heart and brain of DirectDemocracyS are all those who, after having known us and studied our information, decide to join us, starting to change and improve the world. We did it, we do it, and we will do it forever, calmly, patiently, intelligently, and fairly, one user at a time.

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