
    Breadcrumbs is yous position

    Freedom, sovereignty, integrity

    Freedom sovereignty integrity

    Everyone talks about democracy, even if no one, except DirectDemocracyS, actually puts it into practice. They make you believe that by voting for a political party, or for a political representative, all the programs and promises will be put into practice. They delude you that you count for something, and they tell you that your vote is important. Likewise, they tell you that your vote is decisive, in fact, with your vote, you legitimize them to decide in your place. Likewise, they make you feel privileged, who can express preferences, even if they aren't giving you anything. Even in their false democracy, your vote is not a gift they give you, but your legitimate right. You live, inexorably, in the oligarchic party system, in which a few people decide on behalf of all people, even on behalf of those who do not vote. DirectDemocracyS is innovative and alternative to this enormous mockery towards you by all the rest of the political forces.

    The freedom you delude yourself into having is only that of respecting their rules, which few people decide for you. There are no free people, free peoples, free countries, free continents, the whole world is governed by a few. DirectDemocracyS, is owned by all its members, and is managed, controlled, and our every activity is decided by all together. Thanks to this shared leadership, there are no people who decide alone, but anyone can propose any idea, project or activity to be done together. There is no struggle for power, because the power belongs to all those who join us. We are the only ones in the world who work this way.

    The sovereignty of the various countries does not exist, or is only partial. The various peoples are governed by a few rich and powerful countries, which in turn are managed and dominated by lobbies, rich and powerful people and commercial companies. There are superpowers, who decide who governs, who exploits, who works, who lives, and who dies. The United States, China, Russia, and a few other countries have enormous power, and they manage it, in false competition, on the basis of private interests.

    Territorial integrity is guaranteed as long as the puppets of a specific superpower are in power. Then, if the arms lobbies have certain interests, some countries are chosen, or some geographical areas, in which the various superpowers clash, even militarily. Without ever asking ourselves the problem of who must die, be injured, suffer hunger, thirst, lack of medicines and health care, lack of education, and live with the fear of losing everything. The only thing that matters is earning money, wealth, and power.

    The previous sentences are the sad truth, and are indisputable, whatever your preferences and interests. They are generic, but we will go into specifics, including with various examples.

    Nobody cares about the dead, the injured, the suffering and the fears of the innocent. The weak, the poor, the defenseless, have only one ally: DirectDemocracyS.

    Every traditional political force, every representative of the old politics, but also every single person, has their preferences. All are based on interests, even if in certain cases, in almost all cases, the deaths, injuries, suffering and fears of one party are accepted and even justified, based on one's preferences.

    Let's look at some examples to better understand some concepts.

    Hamas is a terrorist organization, and it carries out a massacre of civilians, and kidnaps many people. Those who hate Israel, or those who hate the United States, justify these behaviors, and approve them, because Israel, and the United States, have behaved badly on other occasions. As if the dead, the injured, the suffering and the fears of so many innocent people could "even the score".

    The exaggerated, and equally criminal, albeit military, response by Israel, supported by the United States, and allies, against the defenseless population of the Palestinian-controlled areas, is justified, and approved, by those who support the Jewish State, and The USA says that they asked for it with terrorist activities. As if the civilian population, who die, are injured, suffer, and are afraid, deserved to receive such treatment, because of the terrorists, who carry out massacres, and then in an equally cowardly way, hide in hospitals, schools, or areas inhabited by civilians. Even in these cases, it is mostly innocent people who lose out.

    DirectDemocracyS is always on the side of anyone who suffers, and is against any terrorist or military activity, in which innocent people die, are injured, suffer, or are scared. We have no interest other than to defend those who suffer, with activities that can prevent any conflict, and that can stop, forever, the spiral of violence that derives from every previous activity. Be careful, even the military, who are killed or injured, to respect every order of their superiors, who in turn carry out orders from unscrupulous politicians, who in turn, receive orders from the various lobbies, are important to us. For us, every person is important, and does not deserve to die, or be injured, or suffer, or be afraid, because of decisions, which are all wrong, for the interests of a few. For DirectDemocracyS, the few who decide must be made harmless, and they must all be considered criminals, against humanity. They must be caught, judged, and punished in an exemplary way, by all possible means, including, and above all, seizing all their money, their assets, and their wealth.

    The old politics, which is entirely divisive, calls for 2 states, one Jewish and one Palestinian, mutually recognized. Therefore, with well-defined borders, and with the possibility of continuing the spiral of violence.

    DirectDemocracyS, calls for a single federal state, with the right local autonomies, with the peoples of Israel and Palestine, to work and live together, as they have done for many years in our political organization. Unite, to prevent anyone from dividing, with the same rights, the same duties, and the obligation to mutual respect. It takes more time, it is a difficult road to travel, but it is the only one that can definitively resolve every problem, and that can prevent every possible future conflict. We need intelligent, honest, loyal, and incorruptible people to put it into practice immediately.

    All demonstrations of support, for one side only, are from people and political forces, incapable of choosing good from evil, and with squalid political interests. They do it, for economic interests, and to create divisions. They pretend to want peace, "rooting" for only one of the parties in conflict, forgetting about the suffering of the other party. Furthermore, they display the flags of Palestine, however, they did not display that of Israel, after the cowardly and violent terrorist attacks by Hamas. This behavior is typical of the old failed politics, siding with only one side.

    DirectDemocracyS, puts no flags, or, puts both. Without any fear, without any obligation, without any preference, and without any interest, other than that of defending all people, equally. Anyone who joins us, and anyone who informs themselves, with an open mind, knows that in us, and for us, all people are only divided into 2 types: good, or bad. The bad ones are not accepted in our political organization and in our economic and financial activities, and if by chance they enter, they are rendered harmless.

    To understand how unsuccessful and unjust the old policy is, we can look at what is happening in Ukraine, with the cowardly invasion by Russia. Those who read all our articles on this topic might think of a preference on our part for Ukraine. We do not prefer one country to another, nor one population to another. We look at history from 360 degrees, we analyze the facts, and we are always on the side of those who suffer any aggression, and never on the side of the attacker, whoever they may be. Russian politics is an oligarchic dictatorship, which with criminal methods controls a country with 7000 nuclear warheads.

    With the Budapest Memorandum, signed and active since 5 December 1994, Ukraine ceded 1900 nuclear warheads to Russia, receiving guarantees on its sovereignty and territorial integrity from Russia, the United States and Great Britain. During the Crimean crisis of 2014, Ukraine referred to this memorandum, to remind Russia, which was committed to respecting the Ukrainian borders, and other signatories who are guarantors, that the Russian invasion of the peninsula would violate its obligations, towards Ukraine, under the memorandum and was, in clear violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine. According to Russia, however, the memorandum, having not been ratified, was not legally binding and could only be considered as a diplomatic document containing an exchange of promises between the parties. Therefore, for Russian politics, international agreements are valid only on the basis of their own interests, and their promises have no value.

    If Ukraine had kept its 1900 nuclear warheads, no country would have had the courage to invade it. Nuclear power, as much as it may scare people with reduced intelligence, is an excellent deterrent, which prevents anyone from attacking a country that possesses them. The United States and its allies, in less than a month, could win every war, for example, against North Korea, Iran, or other countries in which they would like to change the political regimes. If they don't do it, it's because they are afraid that they might have answers, with nuclear weapons, and harm, in an involuntary way, allied countries. Therefore, nuclear power prevents aggression, and is certainly not used as an offensive weapon. Whoever did so would achieve nothing other than their own political and even physical end. The threats, with the use of atomic weapons, which frighten some weak minds, are certainly not real, because everyone knows that political control of these weapons is shared, rightly, with military control. For those who don't understand anything about these procedures, we make the explanation simpler. Atomic bombs cannot be launched by a single person, or even by a single President. There is a rigid protocol, which serves to prevent any possible conflict, and avoid errors, and catastrophes, which consists of a launch code, held by several people, and which only works in its integrity. If those who threaten the world with atomic weapons began to enter the code to order an atomic attack, there would immediately be a military coup, and they would be eliminated, both politically and physically.

    But let's talk about freedom, sovereignty, and territorial integrity.

    According to the old politics, it is the superpowers who decide who can or cannot govern in the subjugated countries. And they do it, only for interests, of an economic and financial nature. The geopolitical strategy, and the various activities of military interests, do not exist, they are one of the many fairy tales, which everyone tells, to those who understand nothing, about economics and finance. Anyone who says, for example, that an enlargement of Europe, and above all of NATO, in the Eastern countries and in Ukraine, would represent a danger for the security and integrity of Russia is lying, knowing they are lying. No one would ever dream of attacking Russia, or China, or the United States, but also any country that actually possesses atomic weapons. It simply bothers some that no one trusts Russia's often aggressive and uncontrollable policy. The United States, NATO, and Western countries would never attack an allied country, or a country they promised to defend. This is one of the many reasons that determine many countries surrounding Russia to request to join the European Union, and above all NATO. Who can trust Russian politics? No normal person, seeing the precedents, and the recent situation.

    The hypocrisy and lack of firmness during the Russian invasion of Crimea made Russia carry out a cowardly and unjust invasion in the next step. A preventive intervention, through an international isolation, of Russian politics, at the right time, would have been enough, and this entire difficult situation, and all these deaths, injuries, and destruction, would have been avoided. We must thank the UN (which is still managed with vetoes of the victorious powers of the Second World War, which no longer make any sense), the inability of the West, and the interests of China, if Russians and Ukrainians, are suffering.

    Helping Ukraine was an obligation of the policy of the United States and the United Kingdom, as signatories of the Budapest Memorandum, but also of every country that loves freedom and democracy. As in a school, every person must rebel against the bully who attacks the weakest, helping those who defend themselves to react. But it is truly incredible how Ukraine can be forced to defend itself only on its territory. Russia can attack where it wants, when it wants, and how it wants. Ukraine must only defend itself, without being able to reply, in the ways, times and places it deems appropriate. As if he were a boxer, with one hand tied behind his back. So, some countries are second class, and do what they want, and others are second class, they can fight back, only within 200 km of their border. Moscow can bomb and attack Kyiv, and Kyiv cannot defend itself by bombing and attacking Moscow? According to what rules? Perhaps a long war and global terror is convenient for those who produce and market weapons? Certainly, the increase in military spending makes some people richer, but in exchange, it causes too many to die, injures many, and creates spirals of violence, which can be exploited in the future to create other conflicts.

    For DirectDemocracyS, every population, every country, every geographical area is the exclusive property of all the people who live there, who must all have the same rights and the same duties.

    Every country and every people must have the right to decide, at any time, their own destiny, being able to choose, without external interference, which economic, financial and military alliance to be part of, without having to receive the approval of others countries, and without any influence from others. It is called freedom, sovereignty, independence, and there are no geopolitical interests or promises to keep. There must not be, and will never exist again, countries and peoples in Serie A (first league) and countries in Serie B (second league). We will not allow anyone to be a "bully", and no country, to exploit, influence, and subjugate other countries.

    This international fair play can only be achieved by reforming and innovating all international structures.

    Create an Organization of Populations, and of countries, in which there is a new method of working. The people, who represent the various peoples, and the various countries, in these new structures, must be chosen, elected, and appointed by the various populations, and must never be appointed by Governments, but only by citizens. We have created, with our specialists, a method to change and improve the world, for the good of all.

    Good and evil, right and wrong, are not subjective, but are based on logic, common sense, and mutual respect of all peoples.

    To those who criticize us for our positions, considered by some to be too pro-Western and too close to the United States, we respond with the following sentence.

    “To the most perfect of dictatorships, I will always prefer the most imperfect of democracies.” Thus in 1979, the President of the Italian Republic, Sandro Pertini, spoke to the Italians, the same one who as a boy and as a partisan, on 25 April 1945, announced on the radio that he was going on strike against the Nazi-fascist occupation.

    Between the dictatorial, murderous and criminal policies of Russia, or the dictatorship, the single, communist Chinese thought and party, or the fake democracy, and the partial freedom guaranteed by the United States, for normal people, it is not difficult to choose, not the best one (because only we are the best), but the one that causes fewer problems and less damage.

    Anyone who does not understand the enormous differences cannot join us, for the simple reason that for us freedom and democracy are fundamental. We are the first to criticize, and condemn, the often wrong, and in many cases petty, behaviors of the United States and their allies, and the wrong and unjust policies of their respective countries, and also, in many cases, of wild capitalism, which is often forgotten, of the weakest, but the alternatives of politics in Russia and China are certainly not better, on the contrary, they would take away from people even the right to express themselves and to complain. It's too easy, to be against the United States, and against the West, living in their partial freedom. We would like to see if people who support dictatorial policies would have the courage to criticize their respective regimes while living in dictatorial countries. The previous sentences are enough to understand the differences, and to justify our choices, which are always based on the same rules, on the same values, ideals, and on the same principles.

    It's very nice, not having debts with anyone, and being able to always be on the right side of history. We are not afraid of losing consensus, of people who are manipulated and who cannot distinguish good from evil.

    We have not lost not even a single user, Israeli or Palestinian, for our positions, and for our solutions, to the crisis in their respective countries. Likewise, we have not lost not even a single user, Russian or Ukrainian, for our positions, and for our solutions, to the crisis of our respective policies.

    Furthermore, we are also very lucky, because the people who have joined us have above average intelligence, and this makes us politically perfect.

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