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    Official regulation.

    This has been, is, and will forever be our official rulebook.

    This was, is, and will forever be DirectDemocracyS (secure and social direct democracy), the first international, democratic political organization based on the direct participation, in all decisions, in all laws, of all our verified registered users. .

    Unlike representative democracy, which provides for the delegation of all decisions, to politicians, through elections, in our direct democracy, elected politicians, always by means of elections, must always ask for a binding opinion on all decisions to be made. take, and any votes to be cast, to the people who made them elected, through online elections by geographic groups.

    Our political representatives have had, have, and will always have the obligation to ask for, and obtain, the binding opinion, on all the decisions to be taken, by all their constituents, on the basis of this regulation, only and exclusively, on where they can take place: candidacies (with all the necessary checks of integrity, honesty, and above all competence), online elections, and the nomination of the most voted candidates, to participate in real elections.

    Our political representatives have had, have, and always will be, the obligation to respect this official regulation.

    They will sign, before the official appointment, as a candidate in online elections, valid also in real elections, an official document, ratified by a notary, or an authorized authority, in which they undertake to always respect this regulation. They will respect all the indications received, from the geographical group of their constituents, who through the political work, carried out within the geographical group to which they belong, must always guide the choices of all our political representatives, to always make them act, in the interest , and for the good, of all the citizens of the community they represent.

    This regulation, was developed by our first verified registered users, can be integrated, without distorting its meaning, until the official start of our activities, only by our verified registered users, who can request, or suggest, additions, or add your ideas, by sending a message, via the contacts menu item “-Contacts-”, regulations category “-Rules-”, with the rules module “-Regulation-”.

    No requests for integration will be accepted except through this method. This possibility is reserved, only and exclusively, to our registered, verified users. At the end of the additions, the regulation will be voted online, and then published, only and exclusively, on the web portal which is the only website where absolutely all DirectDemocracyS activities will take place.

    Any use, or publication, without our authorization, of all or part of our regulations is strictly prohibited.

    Every activity, of DirectDemocracyS and of all our projects, will always have at the base, and as a rule, this official regulation.

    For all those who will join us, registering, and creating their personal profile, there is the possibility to collaborate with us, in an active way.

    You can do it at the beginning as a voluntary collaborator, in your free time, without receiving any compensation.

    For the most deserving, and active, there is the possibility in the future to work with us, part time, or full time, receiving a regular salary.

    We inform you that those who will help us, and join us first, as verified registered users, will have many advantages and facilities.

    Do not hesitate, to give your availability, by sending a message, through the contacts menu item "-Contacts-", regulations category "-Rules-", with the form work with us "-Work with us-". Your job at the beginning will be to promote DirectDemocracyS, on social-networks, sharing our presentation pages, and our groups, already present on social-networks, which you find, with their respective links, in our articles. In case of collaboration with us, as our official representatives, or as special verified registered users, you will receive a personal email address, ending @ (always check the exact sender of the emails), and a new personal profile, created by our system, to do your work on in the best way.

    For those who want to help us, with a donation, you can do, through the utility menu item "-Utility-", in the donation menu item "-Donation-", with the donation form "-Donation-", this module allows you to give your contribution to financially support the development of our project.

    Your donation is important to us. Thank you, we will be grateful, and if you want, you will be remembered, in an article, or a thank you page.

    For those who want further information, they can request them, through the contacts menu item "-Contacts-", general information category "-General-Info-" with the general information module "-General-Info-", this module allows you to ask for more information about our project.

    We remind you that our rules, and our presentation articles, contain a lot of information. We will select, and answer, only and exclusively, to questions concerning details, which are not already explained, in our articles.

    Registered users, and verified registered users, have a contact form, for information, reserved for them, which allows them to obtain answers, practically in real time.

    For those who want further information, on registering and creating a personal profile, through the contacts menu item “-Contacts-”, regulations category “-Rules-”, with the account form “-Accounts-”. This form allows you to request information on registering and creating a personal profile on our web portal. We remind you that our rules, and our presentation articles, contain a lot of information. We will select, and answer, only and exclusively, to questions concerning details, which are not already explained, in our articles. Registered users, and verified registered users, have a contact form with detailed instructions on how to manage their personal profile, reserved for them, which allows them to obtain the answers, practically in real time.

    For those who want to insert their advertising, in our web portal, there are various possibilities, there is the international banner module, reserved for large companies, which work internationally. The national or state banner for national and state companies, and then there is the local banner, according to the various areas, in which our registered users or our visitors live. DirectDemocracyS does not use, and will never use advertising banners, or advertisements from third-party companies, or advertising agencies. Commercial companies, or entities that want to put their own advertising banners, can do so only and exclusively through the contacts menu item, general business category "-General-Business-" with the advertising module "-Advertising-".

    Commercial companies, or entities that want to do business with us, can do so only and exclusively through the contacts menu item "-Contacts-", general business category "- General Business-", with the module "-General Business-" ". Our managers, of the “-Business-” group will be happy to present various business opportunities, and collaborations. All in a mutually beneficial way.


    As difficult and complicated as it may seem, our ideals, and fundamental values, and our rules, are: normal, simple, based on logic, on common sense, clear, complete, competent, and they are not modifiable, without the authorization of the Board of Directors, in the ways presented below.

    This is our official web portal, these are our projects, regularly registered in all continents, and in all countries of the world. They are protected by all laws, on copyright.

    Any use, publication, slander, disinformation, or comment, of what is presented on our web portals, even partial, without our written authorization, is strictly prohibited, and will force us, to use all legal means, to initiate civil actions, or in certain criminal cases, to be eventually compensated.

    We want to change, and improve the world, by uniting in a single web portal, and a single project, all the good people, competent, honest, incorruptible, who are part of our planet, without any discrimination, other than to share, and to respect, in a continuous way, all that is presented in this regulation, and other articles and official press releases. You have an obligation to respect our ideals, and core values.

    This is "our home", with our rules, you are welcome, only if you share, and respect, everything we propose, as Official Regulations, with the various Internal Laws, presented in the various articles.

    If you are sure you can be a good user, active, intelligent, competent, and above all respectful, you are free to read the public parts of our web portal.

    If you want to be part of our big family, register, and create your personal profile, filling in your data (be careful to share, only the data you consider useful, following very carefully, the privacy instructions, in your personal profile) . Always choose, what you want to be published, and by whom can be seen, what you publish, and keep your personal data visible to you only.

    Do not fill our website, with unnecessary things, and not required by our activities. Do not make friend requests, and do not accept them from other users. Do not request access to groups, do not comment, or like, without having received precise instructions. Do not upload photos and videos, do not organize events, without having received the instructions to do so. The personal profile photo, it can also be a photo you love, or that you like, it is not mandatory, and we do not recommend, for security reasons, to put your own photos, or those of other people.

    Never advertise to any commercial company, charity, or other political party in comments, in public or work areas, or in your personal profiles.

    Do not comment, and never communicate, on social networks, or on other websites, or by other means, our information, and our activities, which are not made public before by us, in the part accessible to all, for at least 7 days. You can make known our web portal, and our projects, also teach others how to register, and create a personal profile, without comments on our work, and without ever giving for any reason, to anyone, information on the work done.

    We don't care what others do, we don't criticize, and we don't judge anyone.

    We think about doing our job, which is a lot, and must always be done in the best way.

    We have neither the time nor the desire to comment on the offenses, or the non-constructive criticisms, we will never respond, if not in the appropriate places, to those who offend us, or to those who engage in intimidating or violent acts.

    Before registering, read carefully all these regulations, our privacy rules, and all our articles, even long enough, but complete, and necessary, to be able to integrate into our projects.

    We appeal to everyone, registered users, verified registered users, and visitors: never send us requests for information on certain topics, for any reason, if the explanation requested by you is present on our web portal.

    We will never respond to unnecessary requests, if to the questions you ask, the answer is contained in the articles published, in the public area, but also in the areas, which are visible only to our registered users, and verified registered users.

    Read everything, get informed, possibly before deciding whether to join us, talk to people, who you consider useful to inform you, and if you are under 18, before creating your personal profile, on our web portal, you have the obligation, to inform, obtain written authorization from your parents or legal guardians.

    Our political representatives, who we will run for elections in real life, can be supported, and voted, even by people not registered on our web portal. But only those who are duly registered, and verified, in the group on, of origin of the candidate, will be able, in case of victory, to give indications, and advice, binding, always voted, to our political representatives.

    The previous premise, and the first part of this article (before the premise), are an integral part of this regulation, therefore they must always be respected by everyone.

    We will never respond to unnecessary requests, if to the questions you ask, the answer is contained in the articles published, in the public area, but also in the areas, which are visible only to our registered users, and verified registered users.

    Read everything, get informed, possibly before deciding whether to join us, talk to people, who you consider useful to inform you, and if you are under 18, before creating your personal profile, on our web portal, you have the obligation, to inform, obtain written authorization from your parents or legal guardians.

    Our political representatives, who we will run for elections in real life, can be supported, and voted, even by people not registered on our web portal. But only those who are duly registered, and verified, in the group on, of origin of the candidate, will be able, in case of victory, to give indications, and advice, binding, always voted, to our political representatives.

    The previous premise, and the first part of this article (before the premise), are an integral part of this regulation, therefore they must always be respected by everyone.

    Article 01.

    Core values.

    01.01 Mutual respect for people. The first fundamental value of all our projects is the mutual respect of all people. We never, for any reason, discriminate against people based on: race, nationality, skin color, religion, culture, sex, age, sexual orientation, economic possibilities, or other methods of discrimination.

    01.02 Truth verified. The second value, of verified truth, on, we have been fighting, fighting, and will fight forever, against all fake news. During our activities, no assumptions are accepted. If there are any doubts, they will always be clarified by investigating the various topics, in groups of specialists, but all discussions must be based on real, documented, and above all verified data, always by our specialists, with the help of university professors, and personalities who know the various times, always in a pluralistic, free, and independent way. For all our activities, we will have people, called "specialists", who, having studied and obtained clear certifications, can explain the various issues in a clear and real way. They can also verify and document their work, always in collaboration with our users, and with the special security group "-Security-", which is used by us to always check that everything is carried out according to our regulations. . All this to eliminate all the fake news, and people who write, and speak, without knowing, in a complete way, the various topics. We are not interested in opinions, only facts. Obviously doubts, assumptions, impressions can be reported in public and private groups: free “-Free-”, created specifically, in the “-Community-” area. There are other web portals, websites, and social networks, where people give their opinions, without real documented sources, and often write, inaccurate, and inaccurate things. With us there must be an order, and a way of consulting, the right people, for the various activities. We will never lie, and for no reason whatsoever. We will always be honest, with all people, based on their merits, and their behavior. The only information, which we will never make public, not even to our verified registered users, or to our administrators, or to our official representatives, without lying, is to reveal the identity of our first 282 creators / founders. Anyone who tries, with their behaviors, inside or outside our projects, in any way to search, or reveal their identity will be immediately expelled, without ever having the right to join us.

    01.03 Compliance with local, regional, state, and international Rules and Laws. The value of respecting the rules and laws, local, regional, state, and international, is important to us, and must always be maintained, and managed, in a careful and precise way. Laws and Rules can, and must, be made, and modified, in order to always be at the service of citizens. Always for the good of the population, starting, especially with the one most in need, or in difficulty. The control, respect for the values, and the internal rules, of our projects, is entrusted to the various "administrators", or "arbitrators", or official representatives, who are chosen, among our verified, deserving, intelligent registered users, who they can participate in various activities, and above all they have the obligation to keep our way of being active.

    Another important value for us is the absolute respect of all our rules. Our regulations are clear, precise, complete. Anyone who intentionally and repetitively does not respect all of our rules will first be warned, verbally, then suspended for a certain period, and then, in the event of recidivism, will be expelled, definitively, and without the right to return to be part of our projects, and of our various activities.

    01.04 Ethical and moral value. On DirectDemocracyS, and during all our activities, and all our projects, the concept of ethics, and that of morality, are fundamental. Obviously each of us has their own thoughts, but no one can join us if they are not based on our values ​​and all our ideals. If a person makes a mistake, and has paid his debt to justice, for us he is a "clean" person, even if, he will not be able to be a candidate, as our political representative, but he will be able to carry out a work of support, help, and active collaboration.

    01.05 Freedom. The fundamental freedoms of man are various, and very important. They have been, are, and will always be supported, but in compliance with our rules, which are common sense, and do not harm anyone's freedoms. But each person's freedom ends, where another person's freedom begins. Like the freedom of groups of people, it ends where the freedom of another group of people begins. Everything is, and will always be based, on common sense, on mutual respect.

    01.06 Rights. The right of thought, word, to live a dignified life. The right to think, to have one's own opinion, must always be possible, but in the event that it can create a danger, both physical and moral, to other people, or it can cause economic damage, it must be evaluated well. We will never allow anyone to be excluded, for what they think, or for what they write, if they have positive thoughts, and useful, for other people. If it does so within the limits, and in the ways, imposed by our rules. But if he writes, or says inaccuracies, he must do so in the appropriate groups, where theories are discussed. Our free "-Free-" groups analyze, and discuss, theories, or assumptions, unsupported by clear evidence. In working groups, we work on the truth, not on theories. Nor will we allow bad, violent, selfish, rude people to instigate violence through our activities, our web portals, through our multimedia and communication projects. All people, who share all our core values, and who share, and therefore respect all our rules, can join us.

    01.07 Duties. The duty to participate, with one's own competence, experience, and above all professionalism, in the times, and in the ways decided by each user, in the various activities. Registered users who are spectators only will not be tolerated. Everyone must carry out ordinary activities, in geographic groups, and extraordinary activities, in groups of specialists, according to their qualities. Each person will find many activities, of various kinds, in our projects. The important thing is that each person does well, what he is an expert in. Even if, we also leave everyone the opportunity to discover new interests, based on their will, and our rules.

    01.08 Decent life. One of the fundamental purposes is to create dignified living conditions for all people, favoring, according to the possibilities, immediate aid, but also helping those who find themselves in difficulty, to find the most suitable means to live in dignity. The right to water, food, professional and free health care, for those without economic means, decent work, and social justice, will be guaranteed forever. DirectDemocracyS, will always respect the right to property, therefore the rich, and the wealthy, if they have obtained wealth in an honest and ethical way, have no reason to be afraid of us. Instead, they should fear us, dishonest, corrupt, and evil people. Because we will promote justice, in ascertaining and punishing their crimes.

    01.09 Peace. All activities, which can foster peace, and mutual respect between people, are favored, stimulated, and accepted. Since ours is a peace project, no country in which we will govern, and will practically all countries in the world over time, will ever declare war on any other country. This does not mean that there will be no suitable means of defense, but there will be international solidarity, to stop all wars, and prevent other conflicts from arising. In fact, in our international groups, our political representatives, and our registered users, will organize many activities to promote peace. There will never again be death and suffering caused by war. With the money saved, sustainable development actions will be organized, to allow those in difficulty to obtain a happy and dignified life. After the official start of our project, but also after the publication of our regulation, we will follow, based on the reports of our verified registered users, all areas of conflict. There will come a day when, on earth, all wars will be eliminated, but not with weapons, but with intelligent actions. We have a lot of peace plans that we are already implementing, and we will do so, with the help and support of almost the entire world population, which is 99.99% peaceful.

    01.10 Web portal. The only space on the internet, where you can discuss, decide, and carry out the various activities, is the web portal. Obviously, they will also be used under domains, again from, for some activities. The various areas of the web portal can be: public (also visible to visitors), private (visible only to our registered users), secret (visible only to those authorized), administrative (invisible and reserved for our administrators). It is not allowed to any registered user, or verified registered user, to share, or disclose the activities of the private, secret, and administrative areas of

    The public areas will be presented and shared with everyone, only and exclusively. Our web portal is not a social network, it is not a technological means to keep in touch with relatives and friends. It is not used to meet new people, even if through the work in the various groups, there will be a lot of collaboration, and sharing, between our registered users.

    We have a contact form, for our visitors, in which they can request information, which is not present in our information articles, which can be found by clicking on the main menu, in info "-Info-", or in our regulations, which can be found by clicking on the main menu, in “-Rules-“ regulations, or in our official news, which can be found by clicking on the main menu, in “-News-“ news. Never send questions, on topics already explained, in our areas visible to all, or in our private areas (for our registered or verified users) as the case may be, we will not answer you, and you will be disappointed.

    01.11 Ownership Right, Copyright. All our web portals, all our projects, all our components, all our activities, are private property, and are protected by copyright laws, cannot be shared, commented on, transmitted, used, mentioned, without our written permission. The ownership of our web portal belongs to our commercial company, which shares part of its profits, with all our verified registered users, always helping those who have less. Every defamation, every inaccuracy, every offense, every threat, every violence, to the detriment of one of us, will be considered by us, as directed, to all of us. And we will always react intelligently, legally, but firmly, and mercilessly, to those who harm us.

    01.12 Dignity. Dignity is a fundamental value, and an essential right, of all the people of the world. A life worthy of being lived must be protected and guaranteed to all people. Above all, starting with the weakest, and those in difficulty. Women, children, the elderly, the sick, but also all other people, must live in a just world, in which merit, competence, honesty, goodness are always rewarded.

    01.13 Equality. For us there are no differences between the people of the world, if not those determined by their own behavior. Therefore the only division is between good and bad people. Good people can enter our big home (our websites), and be welcomed and protected, into our big family (our international and geographic groups).

    01.14 Importance of time. Time is money. DirectDemocracyS and all of our projects, consider it a waste of time, criticizing political opponents, or the work done by other political parties, and their political representatives. Our proposals must always be presented, and our motivations.

    01.15 Budget balance. DirectDemocracyS and all our projects, we will never spend, for any reason, more than what we earned. We will never, and for no reason whatsoever, go into debt with anyone. We will never ask for loans to banks, financial companies, other entities or people for any reason.

    01.16 Honest and economic transparency. The taxes, in case of profits, of our economic activities, will always be paid, in the countries where the various economic revenues are made, according to the various laws. Every economic income, and every economic exit, will be documented in detail. Economic transparency, vis-à-vis the official internal control authorities, must always be absolute. Internal control is ensured, verified, and authorized by special groups: administrators, security, specialists, economic activities, accounting, and legality. For each incoming sum, but also for each movable, or immovable, service performed (for a fee), there must be a financial project, there must be financial coverage, and the advance authorization, of all the special control groups. For each outgoing sum, or movable property, or immovable service received, there must be a financial project, there must be financial coverage, and the advance authorization, of all the special control groups.Each donation, and each sum received, can only be donated to DirectDemocracyS and all our projects, in a centralized manner. Never, and for no reason, any of our political parties, and none of our political representatives, at any level, will be able to receive funds, in money, in material goods, or services of various kinds, but everything must be received centrally, and then, if it is considered ethical, our registered users verified, and the political representatives, deemed more deserving, will be rewarded.

    We must fight in all ways, against corruption, at all levels. The "-Security-" security groups will continuously carry out the necessary checks and verifications to ensure the honesty and regularity of all those who do, or will be part of, our projects.

    01.17 Advertising our projects. DirectDemocracyS and all our projects, will never use, for any reason, any funds, for unnecessary expenses, such as advertising in any way, in any medium. In election campaigns, and during all our activities, any news, any information will be given only, and exclusively, on all our websites, in all our projects.

    We will never spend, for any reason, not even a penny on expensive election posters, which are a useless waste of paper.

    We will never spend money, never and for any reason, for public meetings or public events. This is because we do not want to waste time, and pollute the world, for the transportation of our political representatives.

    Direct contact with our constituents will be organized, through technology, through video chats.

    Video chats will be available in our geographic groups, also with questions and answers, in which all opinions will be heard, and there will be the right, and essential political confrontations.

    Direct physical contact with our constituents is to be avoided, not out of malice, but our projects, were born in a period of pandemic (COVID-19), and even if this terrible disease will disappear, or be eradicated, we we prefer to spend the money on sustainable development projects.

    01.18 Relations with other websites and social networks. All our relationships, with other websites, and with social networks, must be based on mutual respect. The laws in all the countries in which we will have the honor and the duty to govern, will be made so that the giants of the web, always pay taxes, in each country in the world where they have business. The taxes to be paid must not facilitate their activities, and can never be lower than those paid by a worker, or by a state employee, or by a small or large local entrepreneur.

    01.19 Relations with the press. All our relationships, with the press, and with all the media, with publishers, must be based on mutual respect. The advances on our projects will be given exclusively, only with our official collaborators, who will sign economic contracts with us. And only if they are always up to date with the payments of these contracts.

    01.20 Respect for the environment. Our planet must be protected, and we must always try to resolve, in a peaceful, but continuous, and decisive way, all the problems of the indiscriminate exploitation of resources, of pollution, and to contrast and delay changes by any means. climatic. Habitats of all forms of life must be protected and global campaigns to increase forests must be launched, with programs that allow everyone to live in a healthier way. Pollution, whether due to lack of controls, or through negligence, must always be considered, in all countries, a crime against humanity.

    01.21 Renewable sources. Direct investments must be made through all our projects to stimulate the use of renewable and clean energy sources. Laws must favor those who invest in clean energy and give incentives to people who save energy.

    01.22 Work. Each person must be able to work, in order to have a dignified life, for himself and for his family. In addition to laws that favor work, we must intervene directly, to create investments, using all our economic projects. If the traditional, globalized market, often based on forecasts, and on inconsistent activities, which often create wealth for only a few, does not create jobs, one must be innovative, creating a form of parallel market, in which the same states, in collaboration with private individuals of good will, they invest, perhaps with minimal but safe revenues. All our economic, innovative projects will be well separated from our political activities. Like all our businesses, 50% of all economic gains will come from those who do the work, and 50% will go into our private investment funds, to support new investments, and new businesses, creating other jobs. The conditions for development must be created in all countries, with activities in which all are owners, based on the contribution in time, and in work, which they dedicate to a specific project.

    02 Registration of personal profile.

    Anyone who shares, respects, and accepts all our ideals, all our core values, all our regulations, and our rules presented in the various official articles, on our websites, can join us.

    To join us, absolutely free of charge, and without any commitment, just create a personal profile by registering on our "entry" website. In the main menu, but also in some login forms (-Login-form-), there is the link for our registration pages. There are various screens, with the data to be entered, and at the end you can decide to insert your photo (it is not mandatory to leave the default photo), but do not insert pornographic photos, photos of other people, advertisements, or photos that you are not authorized to share.

    Real, complete, current, and verifiable personal data must be used for registration. According to our privacy rules, each user, during registration, but also afterwards, can decide which data to share with other people. We recommend keeping for yourself (visible only to yourself), the real data, making visible, only a username (which is used to log in together with the password), invented, can be a nickname. To participate in all of our activities, and to access our websites, you must use a username (which we recommend being different from your real name and surname) and a secure (and well-kept) password. On our websites, unlike others, you only have to enter your username and password. You do not use the email address, to log in, just, and we repeat it, the username you have chosen, and the password (of at least 12 letters, numbers and symbols).

    The registration of the personal profile of each user is unique, personal, and cannot be done, under any circumstances, in the name of other people, in the name of political organizations, for commercial companies, non-profit organizations, public or private, each personal profile, of each registered user, must be of a real person. For the first part of the registration (and subsequently to be able to receive information), on our web portal, it is necessary to have a valid email address, to which the user must access, to click on the activation link, which after registration. You should also check the “-Spam-” folder, because since our system sends many emails at the same time, it could be considered as spam, and placed in the folder with this name.

    The activation link must be clicked only once, or it can be copied, and pasted, into a browser of your choice, and given the ok. If an error message appears, reaching the link, do not be scared, if you have received the registration confirmation from us (via email), it means that everything has worked fine.

    02.01 Username, date of birth, user number. The username, can be a known or unknown nickname, and the date of birth, to avoid, and prevent, the participation in activities not suitable for minors, of people, who have not turned 18, the location, and the country of birth, place, and country of residence, together with the unique personal number automatically assigned by our system, are essential on Each verified registered user can participate: from the country of residence (the one in which he spends most time during the year), from the country of origin (the one in which he was born), and the one or those in which he has the right to vote . It can also participate on the basis of citizenship, requesting access to public (visible) and private (visible) groups of the countries of which it possesses citizenship. Of course, you can run as our political representative in only one country, which must be a country, in which you have the right to vote. Each verified registered user, however, can decide to become our official representative, by making a request, and participating in the selections, in all the countries where you have the right to vote. They are not allowed, fake profiles, and people who register with multiple profiles. When found, people with multiple profiles, both of them will be deleted, and you will become persona non grata.

    02.02 Users under the age of 18. After the creation and approval of their personal profile, minors under 18 must obtain, and send to our email, through the contact form "-Authorization for minors-" (authorization for minors), the form for the authorization of both parents (or legal guardians). We have the right to check, at any time, both before and after the activation of your personal profile, the authorization of participation of our users under the age of 18, from parents, or legal guardians.

    02.03 Personalization of personal profile. Each user is free to customize their personal profile, but without filling it with unnecessary things, photos, videos, and unsolicited posts that have nothing to do with our projects. Only the things required by our activities, and by our administrators, will be completed, and uploaded, do not use our web portals, to socialize, or to show your life, to relatives or friends, or to keep in touch. Each user will receive all the necessary instructions, to participate on a regular basis, in all the activities allowed, and desired by him, according to our regulations.

    02.04 Activation link. After registering on our web portal, making sure to fill in all the pages (often they are 3 or more screens), and all the required items, to the personal email address declared during registration, to each candidate user, will be sent by our system, a message, often in the inbox, and sometimes in the spam folder, with an activation link, which for us confirms the existence, and ownership of the email, of each user. The activation link is unique and personal, it must be clicked, or copied and pasted into the browser. Once this is done, we will proceed to the 2nd stage of registration. In case there will be problems, with the activation link, after receiving the message from our system, you can send a message, through the menu item contacts (-Contacts-), category regulations (-Rules-), module contact activation link (-Activation Link-), with the activation link on the first line, your first and last name, your username, your email address, a short personal introduction, with the reasons why you want to join us, and with the activities you prefer to do. You can also indicate your profiles on social networks, to be able to contact you and help you if necessary, and to see if you are compatible with our projects. We are under no obligation to respond to emails, contact for problems with the activation link, but if we do, you must cooperate with us, and we will assist you in all regulatory ways.

    02.05 Activation by our administrators. DirectDemocracyS requires each user to be activated by one of our administrators in order to participate actively and officially in all our activities. Before activation, in some cases, it is possible to receive an email from our user group to the personal email address of each candidate user, sent by our system often in the inbox, and occasionally in the spam folder. (-accounts- or -noreply-), which always has the ending @ With the message, in some cases, you will receive a questionnaire, with some questions, to which you will have to answer, in a sincere and complete way. Following the instructions, you must send an email, with the questionnaire completed in the required parts. You must always prove that you deserve to become our registered users, both before your activation, and especially after your personal profile will be activated by one of our administrators.

    02.06 Activation problems. If after a week, the account (profile) of a user has not been activated, an administrator can be contacted, only and exclusively, through the menu item contacts (-Contacts-), category regulations (-Rules-) , contact form “-Administrators-Activation-”, present on the main menu on

    Some documents, or proofs, may be required in order to have the activation of your personal profile.

    Any communication will be done only via email, and we remind everyone that we only use emails that always have the termination: @

    No one can ever, and for any reason, initiate legal actions against us, or against our administrators, for failure to activate their personal profile. We will always try to allow access to our reserved areas only to reliable people.

    02.07 Invitation to the web portal.

    In some cases, our administrators, or the various verified registered users, will be able to invite people and contacts to register on our web portal. Even the people invited, in case they decide to subscribe, must click on the activation link, and their personal profiles must always be activated by our administrators. There may also be periods, in which registration and the creation of a personal profile, only on an invitation basis, by our administrators are allowed. The invitations will be made, also based on the reports, of our verified registered users. They can suggest people they trust or deserve to join us. Through a suggestion form, they will be able to give us the contacts, and details, and a presentation, of the people, to invite. In addition, there will always be, also the possibility to contact our administrators, through the menu item contacts (-Contacts-), category regulations (-Rules-), contact form I want to join you (-I want-to-join -you-). In addition to personal data, real surname name, preferred username, email address, there must be a presentation, one or more reasons why the user wants to join us, and the activities they will want to perform. If you specify, it is possible to receive a ready-made personal profile, with a temporary password, to be changed at your first access: We are not obliged, in any way, to create profiles for anyone, but in certain exceptional and motivated cases, we can do.

    02.08 Personal mobile phone.

    During the activation phase, the personal telephone number may be requested. Activation codes can be sent, on the phone, especially for some profiles, of candidates, to special work groups. In some cases, telephones and personal numbers will be requested, or provided, to be dedicated to our projects and our activities. In some cases, for some verified registered users, it will be possible to log in with temporary passwords, as a second security factor, in addition to the username and password.

    We try to keep our websites neat, clean, and safe. We do it with the best and most modern technologies.

    02.09 Participation in our activities.

    Participation in our activities is free, and without obligation, on a voluntary basis.

    Some users may decide to help us voluntarily, and for free, in the organization and management of our projects, and in the promotion of our web portal.

    In some cases, some users may be hired, and work with us, receiving prizes in cash, or in goods of various kinds. In some cases, some users may be hired regularly, and work with us, part-time, or full-time.

    02.10 Warning.

    In the event that a registered user, whatever his role, and any activity he performs, does not comply 100% with all our rules, he can be warned, with a public or private communication.

    The warning, given only by an arbitrator (administrator), according to our regulations, can have a temporary or definitive duration.

    No one can ever, and for any reason, initiate legal action, against us, or against our administrators, for a warning, received on their personal profile, in a public or private way.

    However, it can request additional explanations, and initiate an internal lawsuit, to assert its rights. For internal causes, there are special contact forms, and specially created working groups.

    The internal case will be judged, by an administrator (Arbitrator), appointed by the Super Administrator (GreatReferee) or whoever for him.

    The resolution of internal causes must always have as a legislative basis, our regulation, and our rules.

    02.11 Suspension.

    The account of each registered user can be suspended, temporarily, for a period of time, with or without a warning.

    In the event that a registered user does not respect all our rules, he can be suspended, again by an arbitrator, for a period of time, which can vary, from an hour (or less) to a year (or even more). .

    During the suspension period, he must resign from all the activities he carries out in our projects, his place will be taken by another user, with the same skills, and with the same ability.

    No one can ever, and for any reason, initiate legal action, against us, or against our directors, for a suspension, received to their personal profile, in a public or private way.

    However, it can request additional explanations, and initiate an internal lawsuit, to assert its rights.

    You can request additional explanations, and initiate an internal lawsuit, to assert your rights. For internal causes, there are special contact forms, and specially created working groups.

    The internal case will be judged, by an administrator (Arbitrator), appointed by the Super Administrator (GreatReferee) or whoever for him.

    The resolution of internal causes must always have as a legislative basis, our regulation, and our rules.

    02.12 Expulsion.

    In the most serious cases, the registered user can be permanently expelled from all our projects, from all our activities, with or without notice.

    If a user is banned, his action must be very serious, and must be carefully considered.

    In case of expulsion, his participation in our projects ends at that moment, and from that moment he receives no benefit, of what he did, what he does, or what he could have done.

    Your year-end profit sharing is divided among all registered users on our web portal.

    His work, and his collaboration on our projects, will be carried out by another user, with the same skills, and with the same preparation.

    No one can ever, and for any reason, initiate legal actions, against us, or against our administrators, for an expulsion, received to their personal profile, in a public or private way.

    However, it can request additional explanations, and initiate an internal lawsuit, to assert its rights.

    The internal case will be judged, by an administrator (Arbitrator), appointed by the Super Administrator (GreatReferee) or whoever for him.

    The resolution of internal causes must always have as a legislative basis, our regulation, and our rules.

    However, it can request additional explanations, and initiate an internal lawsuit, to assert its rights. For internal causes, there are special contact forms, and specially created working groups.

    After a variable period of time (from a minimum of one year), you may request a new analysis of your expulsion (by appealing), which can be re-discussed, especially if you have demonstrated, from the moment of expulsion, that you have improved your behavior. .

    If the appeal is rejected, he will never have a chance to be readmitted again.

    If a person is expelled, he cannot inherit, or cannot sell, or donate, his share (individual share).

    No person with the same name, surname, date of birth, place of birth, address, internal and external numerical code, will ever be part of our projects, or collaborate (even externally) in our activities.

    You will not be able to access the areas reserved for registered users, nor collaborate with other people who are our registered users, or collaborators.

    He will become persona non grata, and any contact with him will be prohibited by us, to anyone, with the exception of the Super Administrator (GreatReferee).

    02.13 Incompatibility with our projects.

    People who are vulgar, rude, violent, intolerant, racist, homophobic, extremist, dishonest, corrupt, cannot join us, and will be expelled immediately.

    Those who have already done active politics cannot do it with us. You can join us, as a registered user, and also as a verified registered user, but you cannot apply. He can vote, but not be voted on.

    We want to create a new political class that is competent, honest, deserving, respectful of all our rules, all our ideals, and our values. A united political class, in which there is always the mutual respect of all people at the base.

    03 Users.

    The types of users are various, divided into sub-types, according to our needs. Creator / creator, who are the first 282 verified registered users, who for over 13 years have worked to create / design, all our projects, their personal profiles are invisible, and they work in invisible areas, of our websites, and often they meet, for security reasons, in other web servers, with other IP addresses, shielded, and encrypted, in order not to be traced. They communicate by means of all kinds (even antiquated), untraceable, and secret, only with their official representatives, appointed by them, to physically manage their activities. The official representatives of the creators / creators, in turn, appoint the super administrators (SuperAmministrator, GreatReferee), Administrators (-Administrator-), referees (Referee), the official representatives who manage the special groups (security specialists, legality, economy). They always appoint in the name of our creators / creators, our official representatives, for the geographic groups. Registered users. All the appointments will be made, in various ways, often also with competitions, and tests of various kinds, to which the candidates, chosen among verified registered users, undergo.

    Our visitor, who after reading all our regulations, and all our articles, published in the first items of the main menu, who decides to join us, registering, and creating a personal profile, after clicking the activation link, and having been activated by one of our administrators, becomes a registered user, can see parts of the website, and access invisible areas to our visitors, for example the area of ​​our sites, called community (-Community-), in the main menu .

    After a variable period of time, based on the activities he carries out and his behavior, he can request to become a verified registered user, by contacting the administrator of the groups in which he is inserted, after registration.

    To become a verified registered user, a registered user must send a photo of the pages with personal data, a personal identity document, and a written and signed request, using a specific form.

    After the verification, which can take a various period of time, and after having responded positively to the requests of our administrators, a video call is scheduled, during which the registered user must follow the instructions of our security officer, and have with you, showing it on video, when requested, also the identity document sent previously, with the official request to become a verified registered user.

    As a verified registered user, you will be able to access areas that are invisible to visitors, or to our registered users, also will have the right to vote, in various geographical groups, will be able to carry out many activities, and will be able to collaborate with us, in an active way.

    You will be able to stand as our official representative, as well as as a political representative.

    You can work with us, first for free, in your free time, then if you do a good job, you can be hired part time, or full time.

    It may require you to carry out increasingly important tasks, based on your abilities, and your behaviors.

    Meritocracy is absolute and guaranteed.

    After a certain period, among the various registered users, the administrators will choose, according to the needs, people to check.

    Verified registered users actively participate in all the activities of our various projects.

    03.01 The appointments.

    In various periods of time, the Super Administrator will accept, and evaluate, the candidacies for the Director, who under his direct control, will be appointed, and will manage with the Super Administrator, all our projects, and all our activities, assigned to them. by our official representatives. The SuperAmministrator, (or GreatReferee) is the main user, of all our projects, and all our activities. Appointment controls, and coordinates, all Administrators, GreatReferee, and evaluates with them, and eventually approves, every single registered user. Together with the security group, it verifies the identity and behavior of our users.

    03.02 The nominations.

    Each verified registered user can apply for online elections only and exclusively in geographic working groups (international, national, state, or local), to apply, he must prove to be: an honest person, an incorruptible person, a person competent, a healthy person, a person without a criminal record, with a situation, and a personal (and work) history, demonstrating his ability, and his suitability, to play the role of political representative. It must not have conflicts of interest, and criminal trials in progress. He must present a criminal record, and must provide all the documentation, and the required evidence. To run for elections online, you just have to declare it, within the time required in the various groups, by proposing yourself. In addition to the document to be signed, in order to apply, there will be the obligation to sign the assumption of responsibility, which requires compliance, for all its political activity, with all our regulations. And the obligation to always take decisions, in the general interest, of the entire population. The obligation to always take every decision in accordance with and with respect for all our ideals and all our values. The obligation to always ask for an opinion, which is binding on the groups of origin. The obligation to collaborate, and have as his deputy, in his staff, the second classified, or the third classified, or a user voted by the members of his geographic group, of the elections he won. The obligation to have on your staff, as a collaborator, an official representative of DirectDemocracyS, appointed by our administrators, from among the members of the group in which you vote. The obligation to maintain the unity of DirectDemocracyS at all levels, from the local to the international one. The obligation not to change, under any circumstances, the party to which they belong, during their mandate. The obligation to collaborate with all our political representatives, having as a basis, regulations, ideals, values, mutual respect. The obligation to collaborate, in an active but continuous way, with our special, security, legality, economic, and specialists groups. The obligation to use a bank account, to receive his political salary, in the name of DirectDemocracyS, who will pay 50% of the salary into his personal current account. To donate 25% of all his financial income to DirectDemocracyS to help our international political organization. The remaining 25% of your salary will be kept as collateral, and automatically lost, and kept by DirectDemocracyS, in case the political representative does not keep all his oaths, and his obligations.

    Each candidate must be considered suitable, and must be tested, and verified, by the following special groups: the special group official representatives (representing our creators / creators), the special administrators group, the special security group, the special group of legality, the special group of specialists, the special group of geographic managers.

    Each verification must be done carefully, and only if all special groups authorize, in writing, and with the assumption of responsibility, a verified registered user, he / she will be able to participate in the elections. After obtaining the authorizations, a personal public profile will be created for each political candidate with the name, and real surname, combined with a personalized email address with This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with a personal page, to be managed, to make known his ideas, and his political proposals. Each candidate user will be assigned an official representative of DirectDemocracyS (appointed by us in the group in which he is applying), who will help him in all activities both during the online electoral campaign, and, in case of victory, or in second place , after the online elections, at the electoral campaign, and in the real elections, but also after the eventual victory, in the real elections.

    Each candidate will be able to choose a staff of trusted users to collaborate in political activities (electoral campaigns and elections) online and in real life, knowing that as his deputy, and as his main collaborator, he will automatically have the runner-up, candidate, at the online elections won. That will help him, in turn, along with his official DirectDemocracyS representative, and his staff. In this way, we will work together, to get the best results.

    03.03 The online elections.

    If there are two candidates, the one who gets the majority wins the election, and will always be supported, and aided by, the other candidates, and even those who voted, for the candidates who lost. Solidarity, collaboration between whoever wins and who loses, and mutual aid, is fundamental, and mandatory on DirectDemocracyS.

    If there are 3, or more candidates, elections will be held, with all candidates, and if a candidate gets 50% plus one vote in the first round, he is automatically declared the winner, and only has to wait for the special groups to be verified. , the regularity of the elections. Otherwise, the first two classified, based on the number of votes obtained, will participate in the ballot (second election).

    In the event that a candidate is not suitable, he can be replaced by the one with the highest number of votes, who followed him, in the results of the vote, obviously in this case, the third classified becomes his deputy. In the event that this is not possible, a vote will be called to elect the deputy of the winning candidate, always in his / her geographical group.

    All candidacies must be submitted within the deadlines, decided directly in the geographical groups, based on these rules: we officially submit 30 days before the vote. 20 days before the vote, the final candidates receive official nominations from special groups. Online election campaigns last up to 24 hours before the vote, based on various time zones.

    The winning candidate, or as the case may be, if a candidate does not get 50% + 1 vote, the first 2 classified, is always made official, at the end of the check, by the security group, which analyzes the correctness of the online elections. In the event of irregularity, it may decide, based on our regulations, to void the elections, and call new elections, with the deadlines, halved.

    The ballot, eventual, between the first 2 classified, will take place exactly 14 days, after the first vote.

    The winning candidate is always made official, at the end of the check, by the security group, which analyzes the correctness of the online elections. In the event of irregularity, it may decide, based on our regulations, to void the elections, and call new elections, with the deadlines, halved.

    Each verified registered user is free to self-apply (proposing himself as a candidate), in the smallest geographical groups, road block group, or neighborhood, or local, for cities up to 10,000 inhabitants. For the elections of the larger groups, however, he must collect the support, through collection of signatures (online), of at least 5% of the members of the higher group, in which he intends to run. The first 3 classified, in the elections of the smaller groups, can, if they wish, stand as candidates, individually, in the higher elections. They can also decide to nominate only one, or 2 of the 3, in this case, depending on the case, one of them, or the other 2, will not participate as candidates, in the elections of the superior group.

    They can also, with a vote of 3 out of 3, decide to support a candidate other than themselves, who is part of their group, where they obtained the "podium". In this case, their candidate, who must in any case be one of the participants in their elections, will be a candidate directly, without having to collect the 5% of the signatures necessary to stand as a candidate. In this case, none of the 3, after having chosen the candidate, will not be able to stand for the higher elections.

    In any case, if a winner, from a lower group, participates, and wins, the elections of the higher group, automatically, the second classified is declared the winner, in the lower group, and the third classified (or in some cases one voted by his own lower group), he will become his deputy.

    All official appointments will be made by the geographic group in which the elections are held, and only the winners, or whoever in the higher groups, ensures support with a "collection of signatures" of 5% of the members of the upper group, in certain cases they will be able to participate in the next phase, for example, from the local, to the provincial, or district phase, then to the regional, or state one, then to the national one, then to the international one, in the respective groups.

    The same rule applies, for all higher elections, up to the international stages.

    The rule applies to all, that before any decision, any provision, throughout their political activity, as our political representatives, they must always ask the geographic group that elected them for a binding opinion.

    As always, the groups of specialists will always inform, in a free, independent, complete, qualified, and neutral way, the members of each group, in good time, before any vote.

    Our voters, in their own groups, will always be informed voters, also through informative materials, with courses on politics, organized by experts in the sector.

    Informed voters will always make the best choices, for the good of the entire community they represent.

    04 Teams, working groups.

    04.01 Types of teams, working groups.

    Our teams or work groups are of different types. Public, i.e. visible to all, private, i.e. visible only to those who are members of the group, or invisible, visible only to those who are a member of it.

    The public groups will be visible to all registered users, and together with the public pages, always in the community area (-Community-), they will present when, the news and information, which the members of the groups, will decide, together with our representatives officers (administrators and special groups), to make public.

    All the activities of the community area (-Community-), are visible, and reserved, only and exclusively to our registered users, and to those verified. Without the written authorization of an administrator, none of our users can talk about the activities carried out in the groups to which they belong, and cannot give anyone, for any reason, any photos, or written or verbal details, or videos, with the our activities, in the community area. Visitors will only be able to see the public parts.

    04.02 Number of teams, working groups.

    The teams, are the working groups, are generally: of inventors / creators invisible to all, of official representatives (appointed by our creators / creators), groups of administrators, special groups (security legality economic specialists), international geographic groups, national geographic groups, state geographic groups, regional geographic groups, district geographic groups, provincial geographic groups, local geographic groups, neighborhood geographic groups (in large cities), road block geographic groups (in very large cities). The various subdivisions will be based on the subdivisions of the various countries. There are also some free groups (-Free-), in which the only censorship is common sense, but in which each person can freely say their ideas, suppositions, theories, without fear of being censored. No kind of pornography, no kind of offense, against anyone, individually, or collectively will be accepted, never and for any reason. No kind of dangerous information, and no kind of information, that doesn't have a logic. Although religions do not do, and will never be part of our projects, and our activities, offenses of any kind will never be accepted, to any religion, or to any religious group. Constructive criticism of religions is allowed, in a polite way, in religious groups, and in peaceful confrontation groups, between believers of all religions. Advertisements and photos of people used without their approval are not accepted. We will not accept posts that invite violence, or that discredit people present, and especially not present, on our websites. No criticisms of any kind are accepted, either to DirectDemocracyS and our projects, or that require disintegration, undermining the unity that is the strength of DirectDemocracys and our projects. Constructive criticism can and must be done in the groups created to collect ideas, advice, proposals, and constructive criticism.

    In each group, one must carry out only, and exclusively, the work for which it was created. If necessary, requests can be made to the various administrators for the creation of a specific group, to carry out a specific activity.

    External links are accepted, which are not to dangerous websites, or not appreciated by DirectDemocracyS. We do not accept links to websites: dangerous (with viruses or other tracking systems), advertising, of any kind, deceptive, or websites with scams. Each idea can be presented in detail, without exaggerating the length. Theories, or posts, which have no demonstrable scientific evidence, will be deleted after a period of time.

    If certain posts are interesting, or probable, or possible, our groups of specialists, with the research groups, can deepen, and give an independent evaluation. In no case, the posts of the free groups (-Free-) do not represent the ideas, and the way of acting, of DirectDemocracyS, and of our projects, and do not represent anyone, except for those who publish the post.

    Each verified registered user is part, starting from his road block, or his small town, of all the increasingly large groups, up to the group all the countries of the world, to which they belong, all our verified registered users. Registered users, not verified, will be part of only a few waiting groups (they can have various names), in which, however, they will be able to carry out some activities, and will receive "tasks" and "missions" to carry out. If an administrator communicates on the group, to the members, that they must carry out a certain activity, simple things, and that do not require too much time, each registered user, or as the case may be, each verified registered user, must perform, within the established times, the activity required. This mechanism, we need to find any viewers, who create their own profile, just to be present, and maybe to see what happens. We don't need spectators, nor do we need spies. And after a certain period, in which a user does not react positively to the various requests, after a warning message, his personal profile will first be suspended, with relative punishment, or in cases of relapse, it will be blocked, or deleted.

    The number of Teams, working groups, at all geographic levels, starting with international groups, and continental groups, and national groups, state groups, regional groups, provincial groups, district groups, local groups , and smaller, and special groups, is, and will forever be, five, from 1 to 5.

    Each registered user, after registration, will be assigned, based on the registration number, which is the personal number on DirectDemocracyS, and in all our projects, and in all linked websites, to one of the five groups.

    If not for serious reasons (or in case of actual need), or for internal appointments, which will be specified further, no user cannot change team or work group.

    We will try to include, in the same team, people who live in the same family unit, or who reside together, without however creating an obligation on our part to include every person in the group (team) they prefer.

    Our strength is that we bring people together and collaborate, assigned by lot, on the basis of the random registration number, and not on the basis of ethnicity, raciality, or other interests.

    04.03 Assignment of the various activities to one of the five management groups.

    Each registered user, and activated by one of our administrators, will be automatically inserted, based on their personal number, in one of the five groups. In the beginning it will be part of a smaller group, which is destined to grow over time. In case of proven merits, he can be admitted to the private group, where only the most deserving people can access, waiting to become a verified registered user.

    On you must not make friend requests to other users, even if they are part of your team (group), which always has a number from 1 to 5. To find out which team you have been assigned to, by lot, in based on your registration number, you just need to see your personal number, on The numbers 1 2 3 4 5 are the respective teams or groups 1 2 3 4 5, combined and added to the numbers 6 (combined with 1 therefore in team 1) 7 (combined with 2 therefore in team 2) 8 (combined with 3 therefore in team 3) 9 (combined with 4 therefore in team 4) 0 (combined with 5 therefore in team 5). So it's simple team (groups) 1 numbers 1 and 6, team (groups) 2 numbers 2 and 7, team (groups) 3 numbers 3 and 8, team (groups) 4 numbers 4 and 9, team (groups ) 5 numbers 5 and 0. Any attempt to change one's personal number, or to change groups, without authorization from an administrator, will be punished by us, with the blocking, and then the suspension, of the personal profile.

    For each friend request, you need the permission of an administrator, before you can send the request. After sending the request, authorized, the other user is free to decide whether to accept the request or not.

    Team changes can only be made for important reasons, such as family reunification, first and second degree relatives. Or for people who reside in the same house. Neighbors can make a request, which will be evaluated by our administrators.

    Each verified registered user can bring with him, in our project, a minimum number of 1 and maximum 5 best friends, as well as all his relatives, first and second degree, to the people who live in the same house, or the neighbors (with the permission of an administrator), or co-workers (with the permission of an administrator). They can request to be included in their group, always, with the authorization of an administrator. In certain cases, mutually advantageous exchanges can be made between groups, always authorized by an administrator.

    The numerical groups will also have geographic groups, at various levels, international, national, state, regional, provincial, district, local by city up to 10,000 inhabitants, local by 10,000 inhabitants upwards, neighborhood groups for cities over 100,000 inhabitants) , or a road block (for cities over 100,000 inhabitants).

    Absolute respect is and will always be guaranteed, like fair play, but healthy competition can be created between the various groups, which can advance and improve all our projects. Anyone who is included in a certain numerical group on one of our websites will be part of the same group on all of our websites. Whoever makes a transition, from one numerical group to another, in one of our entry websites, will also have to do so in all our websites.

    04.04 Work program.

    Our web portals, our radio and television channels, and all our activities, are available every day, 24 hours a day.

    Our advice is to dedicate your free time to our activities and projects, for a reasonable duration, and never to overdo the time spent on the Internet. With our projects, activities, outside the Internet, will also be favored, based on the various decisions made, first on our websites.

    04.05 Web farm and the power of the web portal.

    Our web portals has the possibility to welcome an infinite number of people, even all the inhabitants of the earth.

    Obviously, the power, and the speed of loading pages, especially at the beginning, will be limited.

    We apologize in advance for any slowdowns or temporary blocks. The power of the Internet depends not only on us, but also on the various systems and connections.

    We work continuously to enlarge, and make it more efficient, the power of our signal, the potential is infinite. In the event that, for a certain period, you do not find us online, your data is automatically saved, and will be restored as soon as possible. However, you can find us on our presentation pages, and in our groups on the main social network. Even if all the activities are decided, and take place, only and exclusively, on our websites. Anyone who carries out, organizes, or comments on our activities, on other websites, or in other means of communication, without the written authorization of one of our administrators, will be immediately suspended, and based on the seriousness of what he has done, can be expelled.

    04.06 Responsibility, and control of our activities.

    The control of all our activities is entrusted to the special security group (-Security-), which will have various groups, dedicated to all the various types of security. Each registered user, or verified registered user, who invites a person, must verify the behavior, and the activities carried out by the person invited, and will be held responsible for incorrect behavior. Furthermore, with the notification system (to be done to our administrators), but also to the security group, each of our users becomes a "controller", which verifies that all our users. Although it may seem unfair, to do all the checks, and check everything in detail, and "supervise" every activity, reporting non-regulatory activities, this method only apparently seems exaggerated. DirectDemocracyS, and all our projects, and all our businesses, can work perfectly, only with the right people. And only if we all do a perfectly organized work, in a unitary, supportive way, and without any division, will we be able to obtain the best results, in the shortest possible time. So we will have to be very careful, everyone, and punish, all offenders. Anyone who notices suspicious activity, or people who break the rules, by alerting our administrators, or our security groups. They are good for humanity, for our common project, and therefore also for themselves, and for their loved ones. People, especially on the net, often have wrong behaviors, with us, all this will not exist. That is why we are making it difficult, perhaps too difficult, to register our users. But we must make it difficult, especially the permanence, of unsuitable people. The real stars have always been, are, and will always be, our beloved verified registered users. In fact, among them, our 282 creators / creators, of our projects, have chosen, choose, and will choose forever, the best, to carry out activities of responsibility, representation, and administration. In fact, they only own half of the huge political, economic, sports, media, IT, and communication project, which is DirectDemocracyS, the other half belongs to all our verified registered users, based on the activities carried out. In fact, for each activity, half of the economic gain goes to our creators / creators, who use it to develop, and manage all our projects, to reward our official representatives, our administrators, special groups, and also to reward , the best verified registered users. The results, with all our innovative ideas, will be truly excellent. And for every activity the same rule applies, half to those who carry it out, and half to DirectDemocracyS and its projects. Obviously, even the creators / creators, will have a profit, indeed a nice reward, but after all, it is only thanks to them, that all together, we change and improve the world, one user at a time, so they deserve to be rewarded.

    05 Projects.

    Our main projects are: DirectDemocracyS Politics, DirectDemocracyS (direct democracy, political activity, political party), DirectDemocracyS Business (business economic activities), DirectDemocracyS Advertising (advertising agency, advertising), DirectDemocracyS Bank (bank banking activities), DirectDemocracyS Foundation (foundation non-profit) and DirectDemocracyS NGO (non-governmental, charitable non-profit organization). DirectDemocracyS Media (media, communications), DirectDemocracyS News (press agency), DirectDemocracyS TV (television, MyWebMyTv), DirectDemocracyS RADIO (radio, MyWebMyRadio), DirectDemocracyS Sports (sport, SportsAcademy) DirectDemocracyS Delivery (home delivery), DirectDemocracyS Delivery (home delivery), DirectDemocracyS Delivery (home delivery), DirectDemocracyS Delivery (home delivery) hotels, accommodation), DirectDemocracyS Restaurants (restaurants, bars) and many others.

    We are building a new universe.

    Our immense universe.

    Made up of many galaxies.

    The DirectDemocracyS galaxy, your policy, truly in every sense.

    DirectDemocracyS, is the first international political organization, based on true, and only democracy, which gives power to the people, and does not give it to parties, politicians, or lobbies. True direct democracy, in which our registered users are all our voters, who vote together, on all decisions to be made. We don't have a few referendums every now and then, as happens in some countries. With us you always vote, on everything in a free way. Furthermore, our users are also informed voters, by special groups of specialists, made up of people who are reliable, honest, competent, independent, secure, and above all, they are not easily, corruptible, or manipulated. This is because thanks to a special security group, they will always be verified, and tested. Like all our projects, of our immense universe, which registers itself on our websites, and participates in our activities, it also becomes the owner. you can register, and create a personal profile, after a period of time, based on your activities, and your behavior, you will have a personal profile on all our websites.

    The galaxy NewOpo or (NeWoPo), is written in 2 ways they are the same. New opportunities. Or a new world policy on economics and business. We prefer to call it a project: NewOpo, your opportunity, in every sense!

    We start from the idea of ​​creating a more just world, in which everyone has a dignified life. It seems like a utopia, but it can be done, in a simple, fast, practically free way. With the basic rule, mutual respect for all the people of the world. For this respect, we have the moral obligation, and the duty, to start the groups most in difficulty. We have a rule, which also applies to our other galaxies. We do not give anything to anyone. We don't give people fish, we teach them to fish. In fact, our aids are aimed only at those who want to get busy, and there are an infinite number of ways to do it, which we will explain in detail.

    We will create a new currency called TIME, the only currency in the world based on one of the most precious things one has, his time. It is always said that time is precious. Yes, your time will have value. A worthy value, based on meritocracy. Have you ever wondered if it is right that a manager, even a good one, is paid an immense sum, and an equally good person earns 1000 times less than him? Simple luck? Absolutely not, injustice, and often also dishonest behavior. We do not say that one cannot earn, in an honest way, based on one's own merits, and with a good dose of work, 1000000. But we are sure, that 2 people, equally good, could do double the work, with 5000000 for one. 4 would do four times the work, with 250,000 euros for one. And 1000 with 1000 each, they would do a thousand times more work, with the same sum.

    Many of you will accuse us that we are unjust, that we take away from the rich to give to the poor. Absolutely not, those who earn well because they deserve it, based on their value, will be able to do it, without any problem. But only when everyone in the world will live a worthy life. When n without lack of water, food, health, education, work, and the possibility of fulfillment in life.

    Perhaps with this brief reasoning, of our official economic representative, you have understood why the world is so unfair, why so many young people, and mono young people, take drugs, drink, and waste PRECIOUS TIME.

    With our real, not virtual currency, each of our users will be master of their own destiny, their potential, their own idea. On our website, we will make arrangements, so that your time is worth something, and no one is left behind. Because everyone must be fine. If one is a genius, a true talent, rightly so, his time will have more value, but not in an inhuman way, and without shame.

    A utopia? No, because we already have a well-organized plan to do it.

    NewOpo is also solidarity, documented, our fundraisers are controlled by 5 very strict groups made up of experts, and help from those who really struggle to succeed in life. We will help him get up. All donation activities will be documented and filmed in real time.

    Like any real currency, TIME will need a bank. do not register on our website, only those who register first on: can have a registration, and a personal profile, on all our websites .

    The MyWebMyBank galaxy, your bank, truly in every sense!

    MyWebMyBank is a bank of all our registered users, who will want to join us, both in management and in its capitalization. In fact it is the only one that has the right to issue our currency. But it will work, in all currencies of the world. Unlike other banks, which often fail, MyWebMyBank will have very strict regulations regarding security, capital and investments. He will never draw on financial loans or loans from other banks, he will never invest money, in high-risk funds, or in world finance. It will comply with all the laws of each country in which it operates, and will pay taxes regularly, in each country based, based on the work done. Our bank will be capitalized by a private fund, reserved only for our registered users. Each user is free to join us, or not to participate. The initial capital, of the various currencies, will be decided on the basis of the declarations and decisions of our economic groups, on the proposal of the national groups. Participating users will receive 1 share, based on the amount paid. The investments will be organized, in common economic projects, decided by all our users who have paid the participation fee. The bank's current accounts will be competitive as commissions, compared to other banks. We will never make investments in stocks, outside our projects, and with people who are outside our official websites. do not register on our website, only those who register first on: can have a registration, and a personal profile, on all our websites .

    The ZaFRo galaxy, your trading company, truly in every sense!

    ZaFRo is the trading company, owned by all of our verified registered users, who will decide to participate in its financial activities, and manages all our financial activities, all authorizations, and all payments of our projects.

    It will have an office on each continent (and will open offices wherever needed). It owns all our servers, backup servers, all our network activities, all our websites, all our e-commerce activities, every economic activity, every service activity, and a infinity of projects and activities.

    All authorizations, all documentation, will be made in the name of ZaFRo.

    It holds all the patents, and all the copyrights, of all our innovative projects.

    All its investments will be financed, on a project basis, all over the world, by our bank. Like all activities in our universe, it has by statute the obligation to pay taxes, according to the rules, and the Laws, in each country in the world, where it makes financial profits.

    In an innovative way, each of our projects has as a rule, written in each internal regulation, that of never spending more money than it produces. Loans from other banks are not allowed, nor are investments in shares external to our projects.

    It will never be a public limited company, of the free market, but a limited liability commercial company, based on the share capital, fully paid up.

    The new market of our universe must be clean, and it will not be allowed to start business without the necessary financial coverage.

    In the case, almost certain of financial profits, of any of our activities, these will always be divided into exactly identical parts, 50% the creators / creators / administrators and special groups, and 50% to the people who actively work for each activity. Yes, you got it right, half and half, that's how we do it. We share everything with those who work for us, because if we all work, we celebrate, and have fun, all together. So avoid asking us questions, like if I do something what do I get? do not register on our website, only those who register first on: can have a registration, and a personal profile, on all our websites .

    The MyWebMyRadio galaxy, your radios, truly in every sense!

    Like all our projects, all our radios will participate in a gigantic project, in which at the center there are: music in all its genres, thematic broadcasts, entertainment, competitions of various kinds, and above all the information part. . For the first time in the world, the radio program is made by the listener. Our registered users will organize themselves on international, national, state, regional, provincial and local radios. But also in 5 groups, to bring together people from different areas, to compete for who the best program, and the best schedule. And there will also be a reality show, in which there will really be fun. The information of our projects is and will be carried out by teams of professionals. During the news only real news will be given, verified by our groups of experts, but also by our verified registered users, who with a presence all over the world, will guarantee free, independent, verified news, so that everyone can trust. we. With the proceeds from advertising, various radio activities will be financed, as well as a competition with prizes, for our radio channels, dedicated to those who know how to produce music on their own. So it will also be a talent show. All our registered users will be able to follow us on our website, but also our visitors in public broadcasts. There will be many other surprises, we have created an innovative radio project, destined to change and improve, all radio activities in the world. We will have our own commercial company, which will be responsible for producing radio broadcasts, commercials, music of all genres, concerts, and professional events, all managed and owned by all our registered users, who will participate in the various activities. do not register on our website, only those who register first on: can have a registration, and a personal profile, on all our websites .

    The MyWebMyTV galaxy, your TVs, in every sense!

    Like all our projects, all our television channels will participate in a gigantic project, in which at the center there are: visual culture, films, entertainment, music in all its genres, thematic broadcasts, competitions for various kinds, and above all the informative part. For the first time in the world, the television program is made by those who watch it. Our registered users will organize themselves on international, national, state, regional, provincial and local TV. But also in 5 groups, to bring together people from different areas, to compete for who the best program, and the best schedule. And there will also be a reality show, in which there will really be fun. The information of our projects is and will be carried out by teams of professionals. During the news only real news will be given, verified by our groups of experts, but also by our verified registered users, who with a presence all over the world, will guarantee free, independent, verified news, so that everyone can trust. we. With the proceeds from advertising, various television activities will be financed, as well as a competition with prizes, for our television channels, dedicated to those who know how to produce videos, films and programs on their own. So it will also be a talent show. All our registered users will be able to follow us on our website, but also our visitors in public broadcasts. There will be many other surprises, we have created an innovative television project, destined to change and improve, all the television activities in the world. We will have our own commercial company, which will be responsible for producing television broadcasts of all types, commercials, films of all genres, and professional films, various kinds of events, concerts, all managed and owned by all our registered users. , who will participate in the various activities. do not register on our website, only those who register first on: can have a registration, and a personal profile, on all our websites .

    The SportsAcademy galaxy, your sport, truly in every sense!

    After a lot of work, business and fun, we need to think about health. SportsAcademy, will change and improve the world of all sport. The world of sport is often used by unethical people, to do business, on the shoulders and sweat, of many sportsmen.

    SportsAcademy Managers, is a professional agency, which offers all the necessary services, for all clubs, all teams., But also for all sportsmen, of all sports, for coaches, and for professional placement of staff. auxiliary. 

    Anyone who relies on us will have many advantages: the cheapest commissions in the world, an accounting office, and a legal office, which will allow all those who choose us to sleep peacefully. In fact, all taxes, and all financial and legal rules, will be managed by the best collaborators in the world. We will have the best dieticians, for a healthy diet. The best managers of sports facilities. The best and most knowledgeable sports doctors.

    In addition, we will take care of managing, together with the various sports fans, real popular shareholdings. We will give the advice, and the help of our professionals, to guarantee fairness, and excellent sporting results.

    As with all our innovative projects, our registered users, specialized in sports, will be millions of eyes, looking at all categories, to find and bring to our world team, the best young talents, but also the great professionals. In fact, anyone who is a registered user can report the best talents, before they are exploited by unethical characters, to say the least.

    We will look for the best young people in every sports facility, in every school, in every street, and we will create, with our own investments, sports academies, with our own sports facilities, and with the necessary education. Both with private schools, with the best professionals, but also collaborating with schools and universities from all over the world.

    At the base of everything, as always, there will be our young registered users, who will be able to propose themselves, and in a very short time, we will send one of our experts, who if he sees talent, will communicate it to our staff. Many young people, for lack of support, and for lack of help, leave sport to do less healthy activities. All this will end, because with so many people, ready to help, we will always be the first and the best. A basic rule is that meritocracy and sporting value, both as athletes, as coaches, technicians, or various personnel, will be guaranteed.

    We will also pay the taxes. With our innovative project "just think about doing sports well", our registered users will always be sure that they have all the documents in order, and all the taxes paid, so that they can sleep peacefully. do not register on our website, only those who register first on: can have a registration, and a personal profile, on all our websites .

    06 Advertising on our web portals, and in our projects.

    The advertisements, and the various advertising banners, are managed by D irect D emocracy, through D irect D emocracy Advertising, without any other intermediary company.

    We have various types of advertising, local, provincial, regional, state, and international.

    Advertisements on our web portal and in our businesses are only permitted on the basis of very detailed regulations.

    To obtain a presence in D irect D emocracy Advertising, you must contact, via the contact form, present in the main menu, on our web portals.

    In some cases, advertisements will be refused to organizations or companies that do not respect our ethical standards.

    The advertisements and banner ads have a limited duration, based on the contract signed by D irect D emocracy with the various bodies or commercial companies.

    07 Privacy


    This privacy and security regulation is an integral part of the official directdemocracy regulation.

    Anyone who registers and creates a personal profile on, and who participates in all the activities of the various directdemocracy projects, has guaranteed privacy, and security, based on the technical possibilities, the types of activities, and the general configurations, and personal.

    For information on how, and for detailed instructions, to create a personal profile, and to join us, visit our Official Rules, the article with instructions, and the various articles on our web portal,


    The public information of each person who registers on, creating their own personal profile, is decided only by each user. To be a registered user, the username (which can be a nickname, an invented name), the date of birth (day, month, and year), the user number (which is the number unique, attributed by our system, composed of various sequential numbers), and the country or countries of residence (if the permanent residence is not in a single country, it must be specified, in order to pay taxes, in the various countries, based on at the time and activities carried out).

    The detailed personal information (and sensitive and secret data), of all our registered users, have been, are currently, and will forever be visible only and exclusively, to our trusted administrators, and only with written authorization, of GreatReferee, which must guarantee the absolute secrecy of personal data.

    Cases of civil and criminal offenses are excluded, where our internal Court will decide whether the person has or has not committed the facts.

    Being, our big house, no entity, for any reason, will ever receive any information on the personal data of our users.

    While respecting the Laws, we do not allow external interference of any kind by anyone.

    In the event that, during our activities, of any kind, there will be, by our registered users, illegal activities, civil or criminal, after our internal investigations, the persons considered definitively guilty, may be reported, to the judicial activities of the countries in which it will have its final seat,

    After the final convictions in the country of our registered office, the related judicial practices may, in case of need, with our authorization, be delivered to the competent authorities of the country of residence of each registered user.

    The personal information requested by is detailed, and also very diversified. Each user is free to make them public only to himself, only to his friends (but on normal friendships, of the various social networks, do not exist and are not allowed, on there are only teammates) , only to all registered users, or also to all visitors to our web portals.

    directdemocracy is not responsible if a registered user shares sensitive personal data with other people. We offer the possibility not to share them, if one decides otherwise, if not expressly forbidden by us, he can decide for himself which data can be shared.

    08 DirectDemocracys.

    DirectDemocracys exists and is visible, only and exclusively, on, which is our home.

    08.01 Contacts.

    The contact forms are available, in each menu, in all languages.

    Various categories are available, and each category can contain different modules, as needed.

    This regulation, was developed by our first registered users, can be integrated, and modified, without distorting its meaning, until the official start of the activities, only by our registered users, who can request, or suggest, changes, or add your ideas, by sending a message, through the menu item "contacts", with the form "- Regulation- ". No requests, additions or changes will be accepted, except through this method. This possibility is reserved, only and exclusively, to our registered users. At the end of the changes, the regulation will be voted online, and then published, only and exclusively, on the web portal which is the only web portal where absolutely all DirectDemocracys activities will take place.

    Any use or publication, without our authorization, of all or part of our regulations is strictly prohibited.

    Every activity, of DirectDemocracys and of all our projects, will always have at the base, and as a rule, this official regulation.

    For all those who will join us, registering, and creating their personal profile, there is the possibility to collaborate with us in an active way. You can do it at the beginning as a volunteer collaborator, in your free time, without receiving any compensation. For the most deserving and active, there is the possibility in the future to work with us, part-time, or full-time, receiving a regular salary. We inform you that those who will help us will have many advantages and facilities. So do not hesitate, to give your availability, by sending a message, through the menu item "contacts", with the form "-Work with us-". Your job at the beginning will be to promote DirectDemocracys, on social networks, by sharing our presentation pages, and our groups already present on social networks (which you find, with the respective links, in this regulation) . Furthermore, if you collaborate with us, you will receive a personal email address ending at @, and a new personal profile, created by our system, to carry out your work on in the best possible way.

    For those who want to help us with a donation, through the menu item "contacts", with the module "-Donation- ", this module allows you to make your contribution, to financially support the development of our project. Send us a message with the amount you wish to donate, we will send you a message with our IBAN code, and with the other possibilities to get us your support. Your donation is important to us. Thank you, we will be grateful, and if you want, you will be remembered, in a thank you article.

    For those who want more information, they can request them, through the menu item "contacts", with the module "-Info- ", this module allows you to ask for more information about our project. We remind you that our rules, and our presentation articles, contain a lot of information. We will select, and answer, only and exclusively, to questions concerning details, which are not already explained, in our articles. Registered users have a contact form, for information, reserved for them, which allows them to obtain the answers, practically in real time.

    For those who want more information, on the registration and creation of a personal profile, through the menu item "contacts", with the form "-Accounts- ". This form allows you to request information on registering and creating a personal profile on our web portal. We remind you that our rules, and our presentation articles, contain a lot of information. We will select, and answer, only and exclusively, to questions concerning details, which are not already explained, in our articles. Registered users have a contact form with detailed instructions on how to manage their personal profile, reserved for them, which allows them to obtain answers, practically in real time.

    For those who want to insert their advertising, in our web portal, there are various possibilities, there is the international banner module, reserved for large companies, which work internationally. The national or state banner for national and state companies, and then there is the local banner, according to the various areas, in which our registered users or our visitors live. DirectDemocracys does not and will never use banner ads or advertisements from third-party companies, or advertising agencies. Commercial companies or entities that want to put their own advertising banners can do so only and exclusively through the "contacts" menu item, with the "-Advertising-" module.

    Commercial companies or entities that want to do business with no i, can do it only and exclusively through the menu item "contacts", with the module "- Business -". Our managers, of the “-Business-” group will be happy to present various business opportunities, and collaborations. All in a mutually beneficial way.

    08.02 Discussions.

    The discussion areas are divided into various categories, and each category can contain different modules, as needed.

    08.03 Blog.

    The Blog areas are divided into various categories, and each category can contain different modules, as needed.

    08.04 Community.

    The work area, where all our activities take place, is the Community. As in all of our web portal, there are parts visible to everyone, there are parts visible only to our registered users, parts that are visible only to our special users, parts that are only visible to our administrative and security users.

    Although it has all the potential of a modern social network, it is only used for the activities of our project.

    08.04.01 Personal profile.

    Each user, of any type, can have only one personal profile, only by registering, done in the manner and within the times described in our regulation. You can enter the requested data, according to our privacy regulation, always deciding which parts to make visible to all, which parts to be visible to your friends (which on and on all our web portals, have been, are and will always be, their teammates, or in the case of administrative users, their collaborators). Especially at the beginning, we recommend that you only make your username visible to everyone (which can be imaginative), and keep other data safe, making part of them visible only to your friends (teammates).

    Visitors, our registered users, our administrative users, see only the users, for which they have the necessary permissions.

    08.04.02 Groups.

    All the work, all the activities will be organized and decided, in the “-Community-” area, within the groups. There are international, continental, national, state, regional, and local groups. There are public groups, which will be created to present the activities carried out, for those who are a visitor to our web portal. Groups visible only to those registered on our web portal. There are private groups, reserved only for those who are part of it, whose access is allowed only upon request and subsequent approval, and there are administrative groups , public or private. The areas not visible to all are necessary for reasons of confidentiality and security.

    "SuperAdministrator" group, is a closed group, with the SuperAdministrators inside, who appoint the administrators, and who hold periodic meetings. They also participate in meetings of the Administrator group, and can intervene in all groups of the entire web portal.

    The "Administrator" group, is a closed group, with the SuperAdministrators and the Administrators inside, who appoint the managers, specialists, and the security group, and who hold periodic meetings. They can intervene in all groups of the entire portal web.

    Managers group, is the group of managers appointed by the SuperAdministrators, and the Administrators can intervene in all the groups of the entire web portal to which they are authorized.

    Group "-Security-", is the group that deals with security, and compliance with all the rules, can intervene in all groups of the entire web portal, based on the tasks, and the instructions received.

    “-Specialists-” group, is the group that guarantees that the best decisions will always be made. Made up of great personalities, and people with the best specific skills, of all subjects. It is the group that is organized in such a way as to always collaborate, with various universities, and university professors, but also students with excellent knowledge, and with excellent professional qualities. It is a group with many linked groups, based on various topics. They can organize and meet, to respond professionally, and with an opinion that can be binding, in cases of requests received. They can intervene in all groups of the entire web portal, based on the tasks and instructions received.

    Add comment

    Before submitting the comment, you agree that:

    a. To accept full responsibility for the comment that you submit.
    b. To use this function only for lawful purposes.
    c. Not to post defamatory, abusive, offensive, racist, sexist, threatening, vulgar, obscene, hateful or otherwise inappropriate comments, or to post comments which will constitute a criminal offense or give rise to civil liability.
    d. Not to post or make available any material which is protected by copyright, trade mark or other proprietary right without the express permission of the owner of the copyright, trade mark or any other proprietary right.
    e. To evaluate for yourself the accuracy of any opinion, advice or other content.

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    Timeline security and registration information


    2-factor authentication

    Category: Security measures / By Webportal SA DireDirectDemocracyS

    2 factor authenticationEveryone knows that to access our website, after registering, and creating your personal profile, after clicking on the activation link, which our system sends to each user, after doing the second ...

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    Always check who speaks ...

    Category: Security measures / By Webportal SA DireDirectDemocracyS

    Security measures.

    Always verify the identity of whoever speaks on our behalf.
    Attention: we have noticed, and there have been reports, of people, or social profiles, who speak on our behalf, ...
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    Best username

    Category: For Registration / By Webportal SA DireDirectDemocracyS

    Official Rules.

    Registration and creation of personal profile.


    DirectDemocracyS, and all related projects, allow everyone to have a username, not connected, to their real personal data.

    We ...

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    General registration ...

    Category: For Registration / By Webportal SA DireDirectDemocracyS

    General registration rulesFirst a premise.

    When we write something, in the Main Menu item, Law, in all sub-menu items, in every category, and in all sub-categories, are our rules, our official positions, our instructions, and ...

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    Guarantee deposit

    Category: Security measures / By guarantors DirectDemocracyS Creators

    Guarantee deposit

    With the start of the local phases, DirectDemocracyS, has decided to implement a new security measure, to prevent any possible problem.

    We have introduced, as a preventive measure, the payment of a ...

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    How to register

    Category: For Registration / By Webportal SA DireDirectDemocracyS

    DirectDemocracyS, Special Law Group, Official Regulation Group.

    Official Rules.

    New user registration.

    To register with DirectDemocracyS, you must respect all our rules, our instructions, and all our ...

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    How we protect ...

    Category: Security measures / By guarantors DirectDemocracyS Creators

    Security Rules

    Many people wonder if it is safe to send an image of their photo ID to DirectDemocracyS. They wonder if it is right to trust us, and therefore, if we are reliable.

    For those who do not want to read ...

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    Instructions for contact ...

    Category: For contacts / By Webportal SA DireDirectDemocracyS

    Instructions for contact formsOur contact forms, in the main contact menu item, on our website, are the only way to get in touch with us, with our work groups, and with all our activities.

    They are also the only way to obtain ...

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    Message after ...

    Category: For Registration / By Webportal SA DireDirectDemocracyS

    Message after registrationHi, welcome, to DirectDemocracyS, your political innovation, truly in every sense!

    Thank you for registering, on our official website.

    Your trust will be reciprocated, and your patience will be ...

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    Category: For contacts / By guarantors DirectDemocracyS Creators

    Contact rules and links

    Calling a public information article, with the name of: messages, might surprise some people, as it often happens, with all that we communicate to you.

    But this is not just a simple article, it is a ...

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    National, geographical, ...

    Category: For contacts / By Creator

    national contacts 640x360

    DirectDemocracyS, initiates the national phases of our international political organization, even with personalized contacts, for each country, territory, or population of the earth.

    To find the ...

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    Only invitations and ...

    Category: For Registration / By Webportal SA DireDirectDemocracyS

    Only invitations and useful linksThere are 2 types of possibilities to join us: free, in which anyone can join us, based on detailed rules, or, on the basis of personal invitations, individual.


    During the block of free ...

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    Our official offices

    Category: For contacts / By Webportal SA DireDirectDemocracyS

    Our official officesDirectDemocracyS is innovative in every sense! Also in the way of managing one's offices.

    Let's make a brief introduction.

    Since the beginning of our creation, the first 5 "creators" had as ...

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    Security measures

    Category: Security measures / By Webportal SA DireDirectDemocracyS

    security measuresA fundamental need, for a political organization like DirectDemocracyS, and all related projects, is to guarantee everyone, security measures, and protection of personal data.

    Working largely on the ...

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