Let's change and improve ...
Do you want to change, and improve the world?
If your answer is yes, and you want to do it concretely, I advise you to read this message carefully, without prejudice, without being superficial, and ...
Do you want to change, and improve the world?
If your answer is yes, and you want to do it concretely, I advise you to read this message carefully, without prejudice, without being superficial, and ...
We have analyzed various aspects, and many details, about our political organization, we often say that DirectDemocracyS is: innovative, truly democratic, absolutely free, owned by those who join ...
Anyone who registers and creates a personal profile on our website, and then joins us, generally does so out of simple curiosity, to see if our political organization is as beautiful from the inside ...
Registration, and creation of personal profiles.
We receive many messages, and we need to clarify some very important concepts.
The first words of this article are an appeal addressed to all of you, ...
We have to do a short article, in this difficult period, which may make some people smile.
Unfortunately, among the many messages we receive, there are some that we don't know how to manage.
Are ...
When will you tell us, who had the idea, to create DirectDemocracyS? When will you tell us exactly, and in the smallest detail, how the events took place? And, if you don't do it, at least tell us ...
One of the key things for everyone who visits our website is to know who is in charge within our international political organization.
It is normal and legitimate to ask for it, for people ...
In this article we will explain why we were born.
You will understand why we have conceived and created all this.
Many people, after reading our informative articles, our rules, and our news, ask ...
One of our rules requires and obliges anyone who joins us to work, together with all of us, for about 20 minutes a day, every day, or for at least 2 hours a week.
We work for ourselves and for ...
User Rating: 5 / 5
There are the old political forces, which act as "powerful masters" with their electors, who are considered "humble servants". We, poor voters, are at the mercy of the privileged political representatives, who control the old politics.
If you think about it, that's right. They, all the old politics, dictate the rules, writing the Laws, that we, the citizens, the population, are obliged to respect, in order not to suffer harsh consequences, such as fines, arrest, or in some cases, there is even, death penalty.
We, who are innovative and alternative to the old politics, behave as relatives of our users, and even as close relatives with our official members.
But not only that, we at DirectDemocracyS, and all related projects, behave like good friends, even with all the voters who don't vote for us. We act like friends, even with those who will never be with us. Do you want a demonstration? We have written, in our regulation, that we all respect, as many religious respects the Sacred Texts, that every rule, every Law, must always be made, using logic, common sense, and mutual respect of all people. Not convinced by our statement? You are right, we are not convincing, it is a somewhat vague sentence, but let's see together how it continues. Our rules, and our Laws, must always be made, all of them, in the interest and for the good of the entire population, always starting first to help people and businesses in difficulty. Maybe now, everything is clearer?
In a few sentences, we clearly demonstrate our approach, and let you clearly understand how we behave. As friends, even with those who don't agree with us, and support other political forces… Wait a minute, what don't you like, or what doesn't convince you, about our political organization? What are we wrong about?
The only criticisms, superficial, are generally, for our name, which for some is too long, for others, it is too English, for others too complicated. For the symbol, which for some is too difficult to draw, for others too dark, and for others too colorful. For the website, which for some is too old-fashioned, for others it is too complicated, for others it is not easy to find all the information, and there is no way to contact us. For some, the method of registering and verifying users is very complicated and lengthy, but also the various "power" roles, it is not clear how they work. Finally, for some, the project is complicated, it is not clear how it can stand up and function.
You will have noticed that no criticism concerns the contents, our ideologies, our ideas, the historicity of what we say, and our methodology. In reality, some small criticisms concern our style and methods of expression. We are often considered very presumptuous, and you accuse us of often speaking, as if we didn't care, about the electoral consensus, and therefore the votes, of our potential voters.
We have already responded to many of your criticisms, with more or less long articles, but there is one criticism, which we really don't understand, and which has saddened us recently. Some of our visitors accuse us that we don't do politics, that we do nothing but explain to you how everything works, but we don't let you understand exactly how we will do it. Above all, we do not let you know which side we are on, on many issues, which are rightly fundamental to you.
We, poor deluded people, who thought we were doing politics, in every sentence we write, and who thought we were boring you, with too many details.
It was important, at the beginning, to make you understand exactly why we were born, what we want to do, and why we are sure that everything can work out. Who is already our verified registered user, works together with others, on the implementation methodologies, of every single sentence, and of every single concept, written, in each of our articles.
We have already explained to you that we have many working groups, and what you see, the things we publish, are just the "tip of the iceberg". The work inside, in the reserved areas, is thousands of times greater, and increases every day, because hundreds of new work groups are formed every day, which carry out various activities. If we made everything public, we would have an overcrowded website, and it wouldn't be useful, for those who already condemn us, who always repeat the same 2 or 3 basic concepts.
You literally give us tens of thousands of messages a day, 99% of which are about your doubts that our beautiful "utopia" can work because of bad people. Now, as good friends, we give you some advice.
First of all, go and vote, always, to express your opinion, and participate, committing yourself personally, in politics, and in the decisions to be made. Your present, your future, and the future of those who will come after you depend on it. We don't care, if you do it, with us, or with others, maybe, we hope, that you don't make politics against us, because we don't make politics against anything, and against anyone.
We are innovative, and alternative, to all the old politics. DirectDemocracyS, offers you a new way. Until our official presentation to the world, you have only one method to verify, if what we propose, can work, and that is to join us. Only in this way will you understand how we all work together to create a crossroads in the complicated road of world politics.
Let's not be presumptuous, let's be realistic. We are the only method, and we repeat it, innovative, and alternative, that stands. There will be, after us, other ideas, certainly not similar, but which may confuse some. As there will be, many attempts to copy us, but our project stands, and works correctly, only by copying it, exactly the same, and already having, within it, the people we have. Furthermore, in addition to the legal disputes, on unfair competition, on copyrights, which will bring anyone who tries to copy our ideas to their knees, there will be the ruthless judgment, of the voters, and of anyone who will have to choose, between DirectDemocracyS, which is the original, and a copy, false and bankruptcy. And guess what they will choose? Always, with all these considerations, there will always be an attempt of the old politics to be more similar to us. They will try them all, they will give you money, bonuses, they will make you believe in the world of fairy tales, making, as always in history, promises and very beautiful political programs that will be able to seduce you. They will never be able to accept the defeat decreed, not by us, but by history.
Dear friends, the choice is only one, with them, or with us.
In addition to today's first piece of advice (to play politics, and to always go and vote, expressing your opinion), which preceded this one, we give you a second piece of advice, don't trust anyone who lies to you, who tells you something, and makes another one, of those who bribe you, with bonuses, gifts, and prizes. Never trust anyone who has already betrayed you, even once. Even if this means always changing political party, ideology, or political representative of reference. You don't have to live politics, like a religious faith, or with a sports fan. Not even as sympathy. Change often, if they don't do exactly what they promise.
DirectDemocracyS, having just been conceived, has the advantage of never having lied to you, and above all, it has never betrayed you. If your wife or husband cheats on you, just once, you can forgive them, because you love them, and you are convinced that they will never do it again. But politics is not love, in our opinion, it is coexistence, over time. If your husband, or your wife, or your partner cheats on you several times, our advice is to love someone else, it's difficult, painful, especially at the beginning, but you will suffer less in the future. Do the same with politics, change often, until you find someone who truly deserves your support and commitment.
We would like to promise you, that we will never lie to you, and it is so, we all together, in a public way, will never lie to you, but individually, there may be some of our users, perhaps even members, hardly representatives, who will lie to you, or, they will not deserve your trust.
But thanks to our control methods, and to the fact that we ourselves always and completely control all our activities, if one of us lies to you, or tries to steal, or tries not to keep every promise, we will be ourselves, to denounce it, and to let everyone know, even with the risk of losing support, and of losing some, or many, votes. Even with the concrete risk of losing the elections.
We can swear to you that we will ensure that ethically wrong behaviors cannot have any negative consequences for your lives. For the simple reason, that these "smart politicians" will be discovered, and blocked-in time. Not by the Judiciary, by other political forces, or by journalists. We ourselves are the best controllers, and solvers, of our possible errors, together, of course, with anyone who joins us.
The last advice of this article is to read all our information with an open mind. Do not be superficial and definitive in your evaluations, but in-depth, read, even several times, all our public information, and always decide, with your brain, and with your heart.
We are sure that it will take a long time, but in the end, after so many disappointments, anyone will join us, because there are only 2 choices, the old politic, and our innovation, an alternative.
Many people are scared, because at first glance, it may seem really difficult, and very complicated, to join us, register, and create a personal profile.
In this article, in a few words, we will see ...
Security measures.
Instructions, to be activated.
You can choose which type of user you want to have among the various possibilities.
If you want to be an initial user, absolutely free of charge, with no obligation to ...
With the beginning of our local phases, to join DirectDemocracyS, and to enter our system, being part of the best political force, in the history of humanity, it is not enough to want it, after ...
Official Rules.
Registration and creation of personal profile.
DirectDemocracyS, and all related projects, allow everyone to have a username, not connected, to their real personal data.
We ...
A fundamental need, for a political organization like DirectDemocracyS, and all related projects, is to guarantee everyone, security measures, and protection of personal data.
Working largely on the ...
Many people are scared, because at first glance, it may seem really difficult, and very complicated, to join us, register, and create a personal profile.
In this article, in a few words, we will see ...
Protection of personal data, privacy regulations, security of sent documents, guarantee of anonymity, and personal profile settings, to protect all our activities.
DirectDemocracyS, uses security ...
Hi, welcome, to DirectDemocracyS, your political innovation, truly in every sense!
Thank you for registering, on our official website.
Your trust will be reciprocated, and your patience will be ...
Everyone knows that to access our website, after registering, and creating your personal profile, after clicking on the activation link, which our system sends to each user, after doing the second ...
DirectDemocracyS, in the first periods of its existence, can be compared to an elevator.
If too many people get on it, all together, there is a risk of not being able to get on all those who are ...
With the beginning of our local phases, to join DirectDemocracyS, and to enter our system, being part of the best political force, in the history of humanity, it is not enough to want it, after ...
A stupid person can never have good ideas, and an ignorant person can never create anything useful.
To create and implement DirectDemocracyS, a single person could not suffice, not even the first 5, ...
Our contact forms, in the main contact menu item, on our website, are the only way to get in touch with us, with our work groups, and with all our activities.
They are also the only way to obtain ...
DirectDemocracyS is innovative in every sense! Also in the way of managing one's offices.
Let's make a brief introduction.
Since the beginning of our creation, the first 5 "creators" had as ...
DirectDemocracyS, initiates the national phases of our international political organization, even with personalized contacts, for each country, territory, or population of the earth.
To find the ...
The special security group, together with the rules group, with the collaboration of all groups, on behalf of all our official members, makes public, some security rules.
The safety of ...
Due to the huge number of messages we receive, after clicking on "send email", wait the necessary time, a few dozen seconds, and the confirmation, in green, informing you that the message ...
Many people wonder if it is safe to send an image of their photo ID to DirectDemocracyS. They wonder if it is right to trust us, and therefore, if we are reliable.
For those who do not want to read ...
With the start of the local phases, DirectDemocracyS, has decided to implement a new security measure, to prevent any possible problem.
We have introduced, as a preventive measure, the payment of a ...
Implementing regulations.
Article 01. Personal passwords in our system.
All personal passwords, of the DirectDemocracyS system, are decided, and chosen, by each of our users, based ...
a. To accept full responsibility for the comment that you submit.
b. To use this function only for lawful purposes.
c. Not to post defamatory, abusive, offensive, racist, sexist, threatening, vulgar, obscene, hateful or otherwise inappropriate comments, or to post comments which will constitute a criminal offense or give rise to civil liability.
d. Not to post or make available any material which is protected by copyright, trade mark or other proprietary right without the express permission of the owner of the copyright, trade mark or any other proprietary right.
e. To evaluate for yourself the accuracy of any opinion, advice or other content.