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    We and the Internet

    We and internetDirectDemocracyS considers the Internet a means of transport, of our ideas, and a workplace, in which to develop all our activities.

    Ever since we conceived our first ideas, when the Internet was not so well known, we decided that we would use the "global network" to spread our innovations and to put our methodology into practice.

    For us, the internet must be free, independent, without preferences, and accessible to anyone.

    DirectDemocracyS, from the first moment, was looked at with curiosity by the "giants of the web", and then, after some of our first informative articles, one of them contained our "blasphemy".

    We allowed ourselves to write that according to our opinion, and according to our programs, in every place on earth, where we will have the honor and duty to govern, every activity carried out on the internet that generates profits, will pay the same taxes , which pays a worker, a pensioner, or a small or medium-sized enterprise.

    Our "blasphemy" also specified that these taxes would be paid exactly, and in full, in the country where the profits were generated, or according to the cases where the people involved in the economic activities were located.

    99.999999999% (the 9 key didn't get stuck, but it's the exact percentage), of all the people on earth, consider what we are going to do right and normal.

    We wrote we will do, and not "we want to do", because unlike the old politics, we keep every promise, and every one of our programs.

    Taking away all privileges, from those who have no right to them, is not wrong, and we will do it exactly in every sector of activity.

    Ours is not a "revenge" caused by a feeling of envy and frustration, which unfortunately too many people, and too many entrepreneurs have, for the rich and famous.

    DirectDemocracyS is not vengeful either, but unlike the old politics, it has no preferences, and the only interests we intend to defend are those of the entire world population, without any preferences or favoritism.

    So, from the feeling of curiosity for our innovation, an alternative to everything that exists, we have become the enemies of the privileged "giants of the web".

    We are not used to "weeping", for every rich, powerful, and famous person, for every political force, for every political representative, or for every commercial company, who hates us, and wants to destroy us.

    We have foreseen everything, and every method they have of trying to slow us down, or stop us, will be thwarted, and instead of harming us, they will strengthen us.

    Instead of wasting their precious time, boycotting us, and fighting us, they could just, make the right choice, and respect all people, all peoples, and all countries of the world. In the short term, they will lose some money, but they will be ethically correct, and in the end, they will make money over time.

    Anyone who tries to harm us will do it to the good, intelligent people of the earth, which is the 99% (again the percentages are right).

    Again, the harm you do to us will backfire, exactly like a boomerang. Ours is not a threat, but a simple forecast, based on concrete data.

    Whoever behaves correctly with us will only have advantages, and whoever goes against us will receive an intelligent, ethically impeccable, but equally annoying, and in some cases painful answer.

    With the time, work, and money wasted on "fighting," you could just partner, in mutually beneficial ways, with us.

    DirectDemocracyS is the only credible political force, with just rules, with an infallible method, which gives all the power to voters informed by groups of experts, and not to the political parties and political representatives of the old politics.

    In other articles, we have explained to you, and we will explain to you, how the various "entities", the various rich, powerful, and famous people, every political force, every political representative, every commercial company, of the old economy, and old finance. We don't like to advertise, on websites, social networks, and other businesses, but a short article will not refuse anyone. It seems right to us, let us know our opinion on their behavior.

    We will continue to keep you informed, because their behaviors will soon go from being simply annoying, to being threatening, and violent. But don't worry about us, we had foreseen even these execrable things, and there will be no losses, on the right side of the "barricade".

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    Timeline security and registration information


    2-factor authentication

    Category: Security measures / By Webportal SA DireDirectDemocracyS

    2 factor authenticationEveryone knows that to access our website, after registering, and creating your personal profile, after clicking on the activation link, which our system sends to each user, after doing the second ...

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    Always check who speaks ...

    Category: Security measures / By Webportal SA DireDirectDemocracyS

    Security measures.

    Always verify the identity of whoever speaks on our behalf.
    Attention: we have noticed, and there have been reports, of people, or social profiles, who speak on our behalf, ...
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    Best username

    Category: For Registration / By Webportal SA DireDirectDemocracyS

    Official Rules.

    Registration and creation of personal profile.


    DirectDemocracyS, and all related projects, allow everyone to have a username, not connected, to their real personal data.

    We ...

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    General registration ...

    Category: For Registration / By Webportal SA DireDirectDemocracyS

    General registration rulesFirst a premise.

    When we write something, in the Main Menu item, Law, in all sub-menu items, in every category, and in all sub-categories, are our rules, our official positions, our instructions, and ...

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    How to register

    Category: For Registration / By Webportal SA DireDirectDemocracyS

    DirectDemocracyS, Special Law Group, Official Regulation Group.

    Official Rules.

    New user registration.

    To register with DirectDemocracyS, you must respect all our rules, our instructions, and all our ...

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    Instructions for contact ...

    Category: For contacts / By Webportal SA DireDirectDemocracyS

    Instructions for contact formsOur contact forms, in the main contact menu item, on our website, are the only way to get in touch with us, with our work groups, and with all our activities.

    They are also the only way to obtain ...

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    Message after ...

    Category: For Registration / By Webportal SA DireDirectDemocracyS

    Message after registrationHi, welcome, to DirectDemocracyS, your political innovation, truly in every sense!

    Thank you for registering, on our official website.

    Your trust will be reciprocated, and your patience will be ...

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    National, geographical, ...

    Category: For contacts / By Creator

    national contacts 640x360

    DirectDemocracyS, initiates the national phases of our international political organization, even with personalized contacts, for each country, territory, or population of the earth.

    To find the ...

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    Only invitations and ...

    Category: For Registration / By Webportal SA DireDirectDemocracyS

    Only invitations and useful linksThere are 2 types of possibilities to join us: free, in which anyone can join us, based on detailed rules, or, on the basis of personal invitations, individual.


    During the block of free ...

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    Our official offices

    Category: For contacts / By Webportal SA DireDirectDemocracyS

    Our official officesDirectDemocracyS is innovative in every sense! Also in the way of managing one's offices.

    Let's make a brief introduction.

    Since the beginning of our creation, the first 5 "creators" had as ...

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    Security measures

    Category: Security measures / By Webportal SA DireDirectDemocracyS

    security measuresA fundamental need, for a political organization like DirectDemocracyS, and all related projects, is to guarantee everyone, security measures, and protection of personal data.

    Working largely on the ...

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    Security rules

    Category: Security measures / By Webportal SA DireDirectDemocracyS

    Security Rules

    The special security group, together with the rules group, with the collaboration of all groups, on behalf of all our official members, makes public, some security rules.


    The safety of ...

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    Special invitations

    Category: For Registration / By Webportal SA DireDirectDemocracyS

    Rules regarding our special guests, and special invitations.


    One of the first rules, on which our enormous success will be based, is to get the right people in, at the right time. While ...

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    To be activated

    Category: For Registration / By Webportal SA DireDirectDemocracyS

    Instructions, to be activated.

    You can choose which type of user you want to have among the various possibilities.

    If you want to be an initial user, absolutely free of charge, with no obligation to ...

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