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    Our universe

    Published: 14 January 2022

    We are building a new universe.

    Our immense universe.

    Made up of many galaxies.

    The DirectDemocracyS galaxy, your policy, truly in every sense.

    DirectDemocracyS, is the first international political organization, based on true, and only democracy, which gives power to the people, and does not give it to parties, politicians, or lobbies. True direct democracy, in which our registered users are all our voters, who vote together, on all decisions to be made. We don't have a few referendums every now and then, as happens in some countries. With us you always vote, on everything in a free way. Furthermore, our users are also informed voters, by special groups of specialists, made up of people who are reliable, honest, competent, independent, secure, and above all, they are not easily, corruptible, or manipulated. This is because thanks to a special security group, they will always be verified, and tested. Like all our projects, of our immense universe, which registers on our websites, and participates in our activities, it also becomes the owner. you can register, and create a personal profile, after a period of time, based on your activities, and your behavior, you will have a personal profile on all our websites.

    The galaxy NewOpo or (NeWoPo), is written in 2 ways they are the same. New opportunities. Or a new world policy on economics and business. We prefer to call it a project: NewOpo, your opportunity, in every sense!

    We start from the idea of ​​creating a more just world, in which everyone has a dignified life. It seems like a utopia, but it can be done, in a simple, fast, practically free way. With the basic rule, mutual respect for all the people of the world. For this respect, we have the moral obligation, and the duty, to start the groups most in difficulty. We have a rule, which also applies to our other galaxies. We do not give anything to anyone. We don't give people fish, we teach them to fish. In fact, our aids are aimed only at those who want to get busy, and there are an infinite number of ways to do it, which we will explain in detail.

    We will create a new currency called TIME, the only currency in the world based on one of the most precious things one has, his time. It is always said that time is precious. Yes, your time will have value. A worthy value, based on meritocracy. Have you ever wondered if it is right that a manager, even a good one, is paid an immense sum, and an equally good person earns 1000 times less than him? Simple luck? Absolutely not, injustice, and often also dishonest behavior. We do not say that one cannot earn, in an honest way, based on one's own merits, and with a good dose of work, 1000000. But we are sure, that 2 people, equally good, could do double the work, with 500000 for one. 4 would do four times the work, with 250000 for one. And 1000 with 1000 each, they would do a thousand times more work, with the same sum.

    Many of you will accuse us that we are unjust, that we take away from the rich to give to the poor. Absolutely not, those who earn well because they deserve it, based on their value, will be able to do it, without any problem. But only when everyone in the world will live a worthy life. When n without lack of water, food, health, education, work, and the possibility of fulfillment in life.

    Perhaps with this brief reasoning, of our official economic representative, you have understood why the world is so unfair, why so many young people, and mono young people, take drugs, drink, and waste PRECIOUS TIME.

    With our real, not virtual currency, each of our users will be master of their own destiny, their potential, their own idea. On our website, we will make arrangements, so that your time is worth something, and no one is left behind. Because everyone must be fine. If one is a genius, a true talent, rightly so, his time will have more value, but not in an inhuman way, and without shame.

    A utopia? No, because we already have a well-organized plan to do it.

    NewOpo is also solidarity, documented, our fundraisers are controlled by 5 very strict groups made up of experts, and help from those who really struggle to succeed in life. We will help him get up. All donation activities will be documented and filmed in real time.

    Like any real currency, TIME will need a bank. do not register on our website, only those who register first on: can have a registration, and a personal profile, on all our websites .

    The MyWebMyBank galaxy, your bank, truly in every sense!

    MyWebMyBank is a bank of all our registered users, who will want to join us, both in management and in its capitalization. In fact it is the only one that has the right to issue our currency. But it will work, in all currencies of the world. Unlike other banks, which often fail, MyWebMyBank will have very strict regulations regarding security, capital and investments. He will never draw on financial loans, or loans from other banks, he will never invest money, in high-risk funds, or in world finance. It will comply with all the laws of each country in which it operates, and will pay taxes regularly, in each country based, based on the work done. Our bank will be capitalized by a private fund, reserved only for our registered users. Each user is free to join us, or not to participate. The initial capital, of the various currencies, will be decided on the basis of the declarations and decisions of our economic groups, on the proposal of the national groups. Participating users will receive 1 share, based on the amount paid. The investments will be organized, in common economic projects, decided by all our users who have paid the participation fee. The bank's current accounts will be competitive as commissions, compared to other banks. We will never make investments in stocks, outside our projects, and with people who are outside our official websites. do not register on our website, only those who register first on: can have a registration, and a personal profile, on all our websites .

    The ZaFRo galaxy, your trading company, truly in every sense!

    ZaFRo is the trading company, owned by all of our verified registered users, who will decide to participate in its financial activities, and manages all our financial activities, all authorizations, and all payments of our projects.

    It will have an office on each continent (and will open offices wherever needed). It owns all our servers, backup servers, all our network activities, all our websites, all our eCommerce activities, every economic activity, every service activity, and an infinity of projects and activities.

    All authorizations, all documentation, will be made in the name of ZaFRo.

    It holds all the patents, and all the copyrights, of all our innovative projects.

    All its investments will be financed, on a project basis, all over the world, by our bank. Like all activities in our universe, it has by statute the obligation to pay taxes, according to the rules, and the Laws, in each country in the world, where it makes financial profits.

    In an innovative way, each of our projects has as a rule, written in each internal regulation, that of never spending more money than it produces. Loans from other banks are not allowed, nor are investments in shares external to our projects.

    It will never be a public limited company, of the free market, but a limited liability commercial company, based on the share capital, fully paid up.

    The new market of our universe must be clean, and it will not be allowed to start business without the necessary financial coverage.

    In the case, almost certain of financial profits, of any of our activities, these will always be divided into exactly identical parts, 50% the creators / creators / administrators and special groups, and 50% to the people who actively work for each activity. Yes, you got it right, half and half, that's how we do it. We share everything with those who work for us, because if we all work, we celebrate, and have fun, all together. So avoid asking us questions, like if I do something what do I get? do not register on our website, only those who register first on: can have a registration, and a personal profile, on all our websites .

    The MyWebMyRadio galaxy, your radios, truly in every sense!

    Like all our projects, all our radios will participate in a gigantic project, in which at the center there are: music in all its genres, thematic broadcasts, entertainment, competitions of various kinds, and above all the information part. . For the first time in the world, the radio program is made by the listener. Our registered users will organize themselves on international, national, state, regional, provincial and local radios. But also in 5 groups, to bring together people from different areas, to compete for who the best program, and the best schedule. And there will also be a reality show, in which there will really be fun. The information of our projects is and will be carried out by teams of professionals. During the news only real news will be given, verified by our groups of experts, but also by our verified registered users, who with a presence all over the world, will guarantee free, independent, verified news, so that everyone can trust. we. With the proceeds from advertising, various radio activities will be financed, as well as a competition with prizes, for our radio channels, dedicated to those who know how to produce music on their own. So it will also be a talent show. All our registered users will be able to follow us on our website, but also our visitors in public broadcasts. There will be many other surprises, we have created an innovative radio project, destined to change and improve, all radio activities in the world. We will have our own commercial company, which will be responsible for producing radio broadcasts, commercials, music of all genres, concerts, and professional events, all managed and owned by all our registered users, who will participate in the various activities. do not register on our website, only those who register first on: can have a registration, and a personal profile, on all our websites .

    The MyWebMyTV galaxy, your TVs, in every sense!

    Like all our projects, all our television channels will participate in a gigantic project, in which at the center there are: visual culture, films, entertainment, music in all its genres, thematic broadcasts, competitions for various kinds, and above all the informative part. For the first time in the world, the television program is made by those who watch it. Our registered users will organize themselves on international, national, state, regional, provincial and local TV. But also in 5 groups, to bring together people from different areas, to compete for who the best program, and the best schedule. And there will also be a reality show, in which there will really be fun. The information of our projects is and will be carried out by teams of professionals. During the news only real news will be given, verified by our groups of experts, but also by our verified registered users, who with a presence all over the world, will guarantee free, independent, verified news, so that everyone can trust. we. With the proceeds from advertising, various television activities will be financed, as well as a competition with prizes, for our television channels, dedicated to those who know how to produce videos, films and programs on their own. So it will also be a talent show. All our registered users will be able to follow us on our website, but also our visitors in public broadcasts. There will be many other surprises, we have created an innovative television project, destined to change and improve, all the television activities in the world. We will have our own commercial company, which will be responsible for producing television broadcasts of all types, commercials, films of all genres, and professional films, various kinds of events, concerts, all managed and owned by all our registered users. , who will participate in the various activities. do not register on our website, only those who register first on: can have a registration, and a personal profile, on all our websites .

    The SportsAcademy galaxy, your sport, truly in every sense!

    After a lot of work, business and fun, we need to think about health. SportsAcademy, will change and improve the world of all sport. The world of sport is often used by unethical people, to do business, on the shoulders and sweat, of many sportsmen. SportsAcademy Managers, is a professional agency, which offers all the necessary services, for all clubs, all teams., But also for all sportsmen, of all sports, for coaches, and for professional placement of staff. auxiliary. Anyone who relies on us will have many advantages: the cheapest commissions in the world, an accounting office, and a legal office, which will allow all those who choose us to sleep peacefully. In fact, all taxes, and all financial and legal rules, will be managed by the best collaborators in the world. We will have the best dieticians, for a healthy diet. The best managers of sports facilities. The best and most knowledgeable sports doctors.

    In addition, we will take care of managing, together with the various sports fans, real popular shareholdings. We will give the advice, and the help of our professionals, to guarantee fairness, and excellent sporting results.

    As with all our innovative projects, our registered users, specialized in sports, will be millions of eyes, looking at all categories, to find and bring to our world team, the best young talents, but also the great professionals. In fact, anyone who is a registered user can report the best talents, before they are exploited by unethical characters, to say the least.

    We will look for the best young people in every sports facility, in every school, in every street, and we will create, with our own investments, sports academies, with our own sports facilities, and with the necessary education. Both with private schools, with the best professionals, but also collaborating with schools and universities from all over the world.

    At the base of everything, as always, there will be our young registered users, who will be able to propose themselves, and in a very short time, we will send one of our experts, who if he sees talent, will communicate it to our staff. Many young people, for lack of support, and for lack of help, leave sport to do less healthy activities. All this will end, because with so many people, ready to help, we will always be the first and the best. A basic rule is that meritocracy and sporting value, both as athletes, as coaches, technicians, or various personnel, will be guaranteed.

    We will also pay the taxes. With our innovative project "just think about doing sports well", our registered users will always be sure that they have all the documents in order, and all the taxes paid, so that they can sleep peacefully. do not register on our website, only those who register first on: can have a registration, and a personal profile, on all our websites .

    Your universe, truly in every sense!

    All those who will read up to here, our 2345 words, will have started reading with some questions, now they will have infinitely more.

    The most common will undoubtedly be: how are you going to do all this? Our answer is clear, and only one, with one user at a time, with so much calm, patience, with a lot of work, relying only on our strength. Obviously we will have many obstacles, of all kinds, correct, and less correct, but we have been working on these innovative projects, for over 13 years. They are all of our verified registered users, who have joined us over time, and each, for its area of ​​expertise, has made its own decisive contribution. Rest assured, that everything we have written will be realized, faster than you think, a snowball does not stop, which rolls down a mountain, when it is avalanche, which will get bigger and bigger, overwhelming all the rot, that is in the world. You will also have to read the other 25,000 words that make up each of our projects for all the details. Only then will the smartest of you understand what a “gear mechanism” we have come up with in 13 years.

    The second question, from many conspiracy theorists, will be: who is behind all this. It's the one question we'll never answer. There have been some people, superficial, who have said that behind us, there are "the strong powers", to control the world. If the "strong powers" existed, and we don't know them, do you really think they would create a party in every country of the world, owned by all of our verified registered users? Do you think they would empower all our informed voters? They would make a project like ours that of direct democracy, our main means of giving power to those who hold it by right with the word democracy. You will not know who is behind it. We have some official representatives, not just one, who will physically sign all the documents for us. They are figureheads, who act on our orders, always according to our public rules, which can be consulted on our websites.

    The third question, to which we answer, with great sincerity is: yes, everything is and will forever be absolutely free and without any commitment, but obviously those who do nothing, earn nothing, those who contribute, with physical work, or with your intellect, or your own time (remember TIME), will be rewarded, and we are sure that everyone will be satisfied.

    The fourth question is undoubtedly, will the creators / creators of the project make a lot of money? The answer also in this case is: yes, they will earn a lot of money, which they will share among themselves, and with all their official representatives, and with all those who are trusted by us, who after a long time of free work, over time free, according to the possibilities, and their skills, they will finally be hired, on a fixed-term basis, or indefinitely, part-time, or full-time. Even for those who work for us, the rule of meritocracy applies, and all our collaborators, whom we call official representatives, and whom we appoint on the basis of the help they give to all our projects, according to very strict regulations, and with continuous checking their reliability, honesty, sincerity. We must be able to trust official representatives who can never be bribed. Returning to our financial revenues, you believe that by realizing this great universe, of social equity, for the good of all humanity, not only of those who join us, those who conceived and created all this, you do not deserve to earn something. ? If you think so, and you are envious people, who hate that he is doing better, instead of working hard to get fame and wealth, avoid joining us, as you are not compatible with our projects.

    The fifth and final question, which we answer now, is: How do I join you?

    By creating a personal profile on our website dedicated to our political activities: with all security measures, according to our rules. From the political site, everyone will receive a profile in all our websites, participating in the activities they prefer, according to their free time, and in the ways decided by each one. Anyone who actively participates, in any activity, will receive his share of the compensation, if this generates economic profit.

    We conclude by taking an oath: we swear in a solemn way, that to the exclusion of our personal details, or information that can reach our identities, for everything else, we will always be sincere, and we will always play with our cards uncovered. But it is up to us to decide who, and what he needs to know. We publish the generic rules for everyone, the 50,000 words of each implementing regulation of each of our “galaxies”, only our verified registered users of very high fidelity and reliability will know them.

    This short presentation should only make you understand that together, we can truly change and improve the world, only united. But we only accept, who passes all our tests. The first is the patience to wait. Anyone who wants everything at once can register on other sites.

    Anyone who does not read, from the first to the last word of our informative articles, and our regulations, should not waste time registering and joining us. We take a fraction of a second to kick out those who are not compatible.

    We are truly innovative, instead of telling you: take a seat, join us in so many, we prefer to change the world, a little slower (one user at a time), but safer.

    This is our universe, join us, if you like it, if you are interested, if you want to get busy, and maybe you are curious to know more, or to see how this beautiful adventure turns out, join us. And maybe talk about it with your friends, and contacts, talk about those 182 and thousands of other people, who want to change, and improve the world.

    We are not a chain of Saint Anthony, but the first who join us, will really have many advantages and facilities, you know why: because they deserve it.

    It's easy to join when everything is in place, and it works perfectly, so have patience with us, because we will be patient with you too.

    Let this information circulate, because maybe someone's life will change for the better.

    We will never do anything that will harm someone who is honest, knowledgeable, and doesn't try to stop a better world.

    An appeal: do not judge without knowing. Don't think superficially, and don't make strange theories about us, just waste your time. Our no, because unless there are offenses, or slanders, we do not waste our precious time (TIME), answering all the mentally retarded.

    Whether you join us or not, whether you share this message or not, from all of our infinite universe, and to all in the name of all our parallel universes, galaxies, and everything that revolves around us, to all of you, best wishes, for a professional and personal life that fills your hearts with joy.

    PS All these words, 3497, and nothing about Covid-19. We are organizing in our news galaxy, and with groups of specialists, and verified registered users, a very large, and complete analysis of the pandemic, both on how it started and as regards its management, in the world and in the various countries. But also with an open-minded analysis, to understand if, and how someone earns, on the health and death of many people. Do not expect immediate results, but expect, as we have promised you, the truth, and the sincerity, that as soon as we have documenting certainties, and certainly not crazy theories, we will communicate our definitive results.

    Those who join us, if they have the required skills, will be able to collaborate with us.

    We analyze everything professionally. Don't worry who has done nothing wrong, but whoever has done wrong will pay. Now that we are made to hate, practically by everyone, we greet you, with infinite love.

    Hello everyone, from all our staff.

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    2-factor authentication

    Category: Security measures / By Webportal SA DireDirectDemocracyS

    2 factor authenticationEveryone knows that to access our website, after registering, and creating your personal profile, after clicking on the activation link, which our system sends to each user, after doing the second ...

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    Always check who speaks ...

    Category: Security measures / By Webportal SA DireDirectDemocracyS

    Security measures.

    Always verify the identity of whoever speaks on our behalf.
    Attention: we have noticed, and there have been reports, of people, or social profiles, who speak on our behalf, ...
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    Best username

    Category: For Registration / By Webportal SA DireDirectDemocracyS

    Official Rules.

    Registration and creation of personal profile.


    DirectDemocracyS, and all related projects, allow everyone to have a username, not connected, to their real personal data.

    We ...

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    General registration ...

    Category: For Registration / By Webportal SA DireDirectDemocracyS

    General registration rulesFirst a premise.

    When we write something, in the Main Menu item, Law, in all sub-menu items, in every category, and in all sub-categories, are our rules, our official positions, our instructions, and ...

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    How to register

    Category: For Registration / By Webportal SA DireDirectDemocracyS

    DirectDemocracyS, Special Law Group, Official Regulation Group.

    Official Rules.

    New user registration.

    To register with DirectDemocracyS, you must respect all our rules, our instructions, and all our ...

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    Instructions for contact ...

    Category: For contacts / By Webportal SA DireDirectDemocracyS

    Instructions for contact formsOur contact forms, in the main contact menu item, on our website, are the only way to get in touch with us, with our work groups, and with all our activities.

    They are also the only way to obtain ...

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    Message after ...

    Category: For Registration / By Webportal SA DireDirectDemocracyS

    Message after registrationHi, welcome, to DirectDemocracyS, your political innovation, truly in every sense!

    Thank you for registering, on our official website.

    Your trust will be reciprocated, and your patience will be ...

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    National, geographical, ...

    Category: For contacts / By Creator

    national contacts 640x360

    DirectDemocracyS, initiates the national phases of our international political organization, even with personalized contacts, for each country, territory, or population of the earth.

    To find the ...

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    Only invitations and ...

    Category: For Registration / By Webportal SA DireDirectDemocracyS

    Only invitations and useful linksThere are 2 types of possibilities to join us: free, in which anyone can join us, based on detailed rules, or, on the basis of personal invitations, individual.


    During the block of free ...

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    Our official offices

    Category: For contacts / By Webportal SA DireDirectDemocracyS

    Our official officesDirectDemocracyS is innovative in every sense! Also in the way of managing one's offices.

    Let's make a brief introduction.

    Since the beginning of our creation, the first 5 "creators" had as ...

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    Security measures

    Category: Security measures / By Webportal SA DireDirectDemocracyS

    security measuresA fundamental need, for a political organization like DirectDemocracyS, and all related projects, is to guarantee everyone, security measures, and protection of personal data.

    Working largely on the ...

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    Security rules

    Category: Security measures / By Webportal SA DireDirectDemocracyS

    Security Rules

    The special security group, together with the rules group, with the collaboration of all groups, on behalf of all our official members, makes public, some security rules.


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    Category: For Registration / By Webportal SA DireDirectDemocracyS

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    One of the first rules, on which our enormous success will be based, is to get the right people in, at the right time. While ...

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    To be activated

    Category: For Registration / By Webportal SA DireDirectDemocracyS

    Instructions, to be activated.

    You can choose which type of user you want to have among the various possibilities.

    If you want to be an initial user, absolutely free of charge, with no obligation to ...

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