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    For us, the values of freedom and democracy, real and complete, are fundamental.

    We will never allow ourselves to judge anyone's choices, nor the ideas, or theories, that each person has, based on their own intelligence, education, and upbringing.

    Choosing to join us, or not to, is a personal choice. We don't like to influence anyone, or even insist too much, on inviting someone to join us.

    Obviously, we would like to immediately have all the people of the earth united in all our projects, but we know that it will take time, and that everything must be done without any hurry, with the utmost attention to every detail.

    We cannot afford to make mistakes, even if we have foreseen that there will be "physiological" setbacks.

    In this article, we will tell you about our official members, but first, as often happens, let's make a brief introduction, to understand how things work.

    Everyone knows, DirectDemocracyS, has various types of users.


    Passive voters.

    Anyone who votes, for our candidates, without being registered, and without having a personal profile, on our website, is one of our voters, which we call "passive", i.e., not directly involved in the management of our political organization and in the choices to be made by their political representatives. By voting for our candidates, you freely express your preference, leaving it to others to decide. We thank in advance anyone who decides to trust us, and our candidates, even if we prefer to have an equal relationship with our constituents, and decide on anything, all together.

    Active voters.

    Anyone who votes for our candidates, being registered and having a personal profile on our website, is one of our voters, whom we call "active", i.e., directly involved in the management of our political organization, and in the choices, to be made, to their political representatives. By voting for our candidates, you freely express your preference, also assuming the responsibility of deciding, proposing, discussing, and voting by choosing what you believe is best for everyone. We thank in advance anyone who decides to trust us, and our candidates. Active voters, and owners, together with all those, who join us, of all our businesses. They are people, with whom we prefer to have an equal relationship, and decide on anything, all together.

    Interested people.

    Anyone who follows us, on our pages, and in public groups, on social networks, and other websites, can be defined as interested in our activities.


    Anyone who joins us, on our pages, and in groups, public or private, on social networks, and other websites, can be defined as a supporter of our activities. Even if we do not carry out any type of political activity, or of any kind, on social networks, and on other websites, anyone who joins us can have some information on the activities we carry out only, and exclusively, on our official websites. The reasons for our choice to do everything in our immense, welcoming, safe, discreet, protected "home", which is our official website, we have explained them several times, so everyone knows them. Anyone with a little intuition understands that it is fundamental for us to be free, independent, and without any censorship.


    Whoever is reading this article on our website is one of our visitors. It can inform itself, receiving, almost in real time, the information that our working groups decide to share, in the ways, in the parts, and in the times, decided by each group.


    They are physical or legal persons, commercial, multimedia, information, or financial, and economic companies, who, after some negotiations and reciprocity, are present, as our guests, on our websites.

    Some of our guests support us with donations (free, voluntary and without any commitment or obligation on our part), or through advertising contracts, or, as partners in financial and economic activities, of our official members. Other guests, on the other hand, support us with the publication, by all possible means, of our public information, to make our activities known to as many people as possible.

    Invite yourself.

    They are personalities, experts, from various sectors, invited to follow us, to help us, with advice, suggestions, or as consultants. They can be registered, on our websites, with a greater speed, and with advantages, and facilities, due to our need, to have them with us, as a priority. In this regard, it seems right to explain to everyone that some people, we choose them, others, can freely propose themselves. We hope it is clear to everyone that encouraging the entry, into our political organization, and the work of consulting, of great personalities, does not mean discriminating, but serving the general interests of all, and rewarding recognized merits.

    Types of users. If necessary, other types of users will be created over time.

    Registered users. They are all those who register, and create a personal profile, on our official website. After activation, by one of our administrators, and after the first access, they have 2 weeks to request to become a verified registered user. If the request is approved, they can begin the process of having their identity verified by our special security groups and our administrators.

    Verified users. They are all our users, whose identity is verified and guaranteed. They are the ones who begin to carry out more important activities, and with greater responsibilities. In this regard, it is normal to verify the identity of anyone before carrying out certain tasks.

    Official members. They are all our verified users, who decide to pay the annual fee, as an official member, of our political organization. The fee is valid for one year, from the moment you pay, and from the moment the payment arrives in our bank accounts, or online.

    Official representatives. It is the official members, appointed, who carry out important activities, with roles of responsibility, in the management of all our activities. They deal with representation, DirectDemocracyS, and all related projects, at various levels. They also manage, together with other administrators, our political organization, and all related projects.

    Political representatives. It is the official members, elected by our voters, who carry out political representation activities. First, they must be proposed, or self-proposed, in geographic or numerical groups, or both, by the official members of the various groups, at candidate selections, in our internal online primary elections. After the selections of the candidates, the online primary elections will take place. And the candidates with the most votes will be able to participate, as our political representatives, in the subsequent selections, for increasingly important roles. The winners of the online primary elections will officially become our candidates for the real elections.

    Administrators. They are official representatives, appointed in roles of coordination and management of the main activities.

    Super admins. They are administrators, appointed in roles of coordination and management of the main activities.

    For us, every registered user is important, and has the same value, as a person. Our "hierarchies" were created with the aim of rewarding: the first who "trust us" (trust that must always be reciprocated by offering more important roles), the first who join us (to give advantages and facilitations, to be confirmed over time, to our first users), but also to create roles, which allow us to put all the right people in the right places. Who will tell us: but didn't you say, that for you, users are all the same, and that everyone should have the same opportunities? We respond with few words, equality, but with meritocracy. Every role, even as Super Administrator, must be confirmed every day, through one's work, one's behavior, through the results obtained, through compliance with all our rules, and through demonstrated reliability. Therefore, the advantages, and the facilitations, are provisional, to then make room for the best. But we guarantee you that equality of opportunity to rise in the "ranking and hierarchy of command" exists for everyone, always, but must be accompanied by individual merits over time. It seems complicated, but it is the only way to always be better, to create fair, honest and fair competition.

    After this premise, let's talk about our official members.

    First, let's analyze together the reasons, which have forced us, to "make count more", to have more important roles, and greater responsibility, the official members, of the simple, verified users.

    The economic motivation.

    We don't like to be hypocritical, so let's be clear: keeping a mechanism like ours up and running perfectly costs a lot, in economic terms. The website, payroll, and miscellaneous expenses are quite expensive. Even though we do not have any economic problems thanks to our planning, we must prevent such problems from arising. You just have to look around to see that many companies, even gigantic ones, are losing a lot of money, and their shares are expiring in an incredible way, and by some, not expected. Let's not analyze the reasons here, maybe we will in the future.

    The motivation of the awards.

    Anyone who is already with us knows well how much we like to recognize the merits of those who work with us for individual results. DirectDemocracyS, and all related projects, you have to see them, as a set of people, who make politics, but also business, or who have fun, and work together. Each of us makes his own contribution, based on his own possibilities, with his own experience, with his own time, with his own activities, to the functioning and achievement of important results. Always rewarding, substantially, but also symbolically, the greatest number of people, makes the right recognition, for anyone who joins us. And we are delighted to be able to reward anyone who achieves important results.

    The motivation of the competition.

    Running a competition, therefore creating a real competition, between those who carry out the best activities, for the good of all, is a way to grow and always improve.

    Therefore, asking for a small economic sacrifice, to allow us to be free and independent, does not seem wrong to us. Almost all the political forces in the world ask for contributions from their members. But unlike them, we have at least 5 groups of our users for every penny raised, and for every penny spent, who verify and approve each entry and exit. Furthermore, we are always available to explain to anyone what happens to the money raised.

    We know very well that the economic situation of the entire world population is precarious, and we often helplessly witness the impoverishment of many people. We also know that the middle class is disappearing, to make room for very rich people (few), and poor people (very many).

    We also know that 12 Euros per year, valid from the moment you pay, for anyone living in developed countries, is not an impossible amount to pay. You give up one coffee a month.

    But for those who earn 38 euros a month (as unfortunately happens in some countries), it represents almost a third of their salary in the month in which they pay the fee. Therefore, we decided to allow those who have more to help those who have less, being able to pay 24 Euros, 12 Euros for themselves, and 12 Euros to help a friend, an acquaintance, or a random person in difficulty, to become our official member, free of charge. But, for those who wish, they can pay more shares, which will be used, again to help people in financial difficulty become official members.

    Our accounting and control groups are available to anyone, for further explanations, and for all instructions.

    To conclude our article, in which, as always, we speak clearly and explain our choices, let's take a step back, to the first few minutes, in which 5 people decided to change and improve the world, together with anyone, had joined them.

    One of the first aspects that were discussed was the economic problem. Beautiful ideas, important projects, values, principles, ideals, all logical and common sense, without financial solidity, have no future. So, it was important to have a guarantee that it would not put us in the terrible situation of having to close due to lack of funds. Self-financing, without ever having to depend on "sponsors", and without ever making compromises, with anyone, was a choice, obligatory with such a project. After just a few days, some entrepreneurs, even important ones, decided to finance us. To our negative answer, they said: are you crazy? We shower you with money, you and your future generations, and we also leave you free and independent. The answer of one of the first creators was simple, but very clear: what if one day we were forced to make right political choices, but which damaged your activities, out of a spirit of gratitude towards you, we would not be able to do them. And he added: you see, we prefer to make the right choices, always, regardless of who helps us, or doesn't help us, otherwise we'll be like the old politics. And we will never be like the old politics.

    Self-financing, with the quotas of our members (which we reciprocate with some important services, such as a personal, institutional profile, and a personalized e-mail address, with relative storage space), with advertising (possibly not too invasive), with free and voluntary donations, and above all with the obligatory contribution of 25% of each gain, from our political representatives (also in this case offering many services, and aid in return), was the best choice we could make.

    These funds will allow us not to have financial problems, to have a guaranteed future, to always remain free and independent, to never make any kind of compromise, to develop political projects intelligently and without wasting a penny, but also to give due recognition to as many people as possible. Yes, because we tell you right away, whoever came up with all of this will be rewarded for the work done, the risks they have taken, and the first essential investments, not because they demand it, but because all those who have joined later, will they think right. And we always like to make the right choice.

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    Timeline security and registration information


    2-factor authentication

    Category: Security measures / By Webportal SA DireDirectDemocracyS

    2 factor authenticationEveryone knows that to access our website, after registering, and creating your personal profile, after clicking on the activation link, which our system sends to each user, after doing the second ...

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    Always check who speaks ...

    Category: Security measures / By Webportal SA DireDirectDemocracyS

    Security measures.

    Always verify the identity of whoever speaks on our behalf.
    Attention: we have noticed, and there have been reports, of people, or social profiles, who speak on our behalf, ...
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    Best username

    Category: For Registration / By Webportal SA DireDirectDemocracyS

    Official Rules.

    Registration and creation of personal profile.


    DirectDemocracyS, and all related projects, allow everyone to have a username, not connected, to their real personal data.

    We ...

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    General registration ...

    Category: For Registration / By Webportal SA DireDirectDemocracyS

    General registration rulesFirst a premise.

    When we write something, in the Main Menu item, Law, in all sub-menu items, in every category, and in all sub-categories, are our rules, our official positions, our instructions, and ...

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    How to register

    Category: For Registration / By Webportal SA DireDirectDemocracyS

    DirectDemocracyS, Special Law Group, Official Regulation Group.

    Official Rules.

    New user registration.

    To register with DirectDemocracyS, you must respect all our rules, our instructions, and all our ...

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    Instructions for contact ...

    Category: For contacts / By Webportal SA DireDirectDemocracyS

    Instructions for contact formsOur contact forms, in the main contact menu item, on our website, are the only way to get in touch with us, with our work groups, and with all our activities.

    They are also the only way to obtain ...

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    Message after ...

    Category: For Registration / By Webportal SA DireDirectDemocracyS

    Message after registrationHi, welcome, to DirectDemocracyS, your political innovation, truly in every sense!

    Thank you for registering, on our official website.

    Your trust will be reciprocated, and your patience will be ...

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    National, geographical, ...

    Category: For contacts / By Creator

    national contacts 640x360

    DirectDemocracyS, initiates the national phases of our international political organization, even with personalized contacts, for each country, territory, or population of the earth.

    To find the ...

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    Only invitations and ...

    Category: For Registration / By Webportal SA DireDirectDemocracyS

    Only invitations and useful linksThere are 2 types of possibilities to join us: free, in which anyone can join us, based on detailed rules, or, on the basis of personal invitations, individual.


    During the block of free ...

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    Our official offices

    Category: For contacts / By Webportal SA DireDirectDemocracyS

    Our official officesDirectDemocracyS is innovative in every sense! Also in the way of managing one's offices.

    Let's make a brief introduction.

    Since the beginning of our creation, the first 5 "creators" had as ...

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    Security measures

    Category: Security measures / By Webportal SA DireDirectDemocracyS

    security measuresA fundamental need, for a political organization like DirectDemocracyS, and all related projects, is to guarantee everyone, security measures, and protection of personal data.

    Working largely on the ...

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    Security rules

    Category: Security measures / By Webportal SA DireDirectDemocracyS

    Security Rules

    The special security group, together with the rules group, with the collaboration of all groups, on behalf of all our official members, makes public, some security rules.


    The safety of ...

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    Special invitations

    Category: For Registration / By Webportal SA DireDirectDemocracyS

    Rules regarding our special guests, and special invitations.


    One of the first rules, on which our enormous success will be based, is to get the right people in, at the right time. While ...

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    To be activated

    Category: For Registration / By Webportal SA DireDirectDemocracyS

    Instructions, to be activated.

    You can choose which type of user you want to have among the various possibilities.

    If you want to be an initial user, absolutely free of charge, with no obligation to ...

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