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    The continental phases begin

    The continental phases beginDirectDemocracyS officially begins the continental phase, for the various roles, of authorized users, according to our rules. As always, roles with greater responsibility within our political organization will begin first, and then continental activities will be extended over time to all our verified registered users. The same method is used for the international phase, and will also be used, at the right time, for the national, state, regional, district, provincial, and local phases (up to the geographical territorial, neighborhood, and street block phases).

    DirectDemocracyS is united, and the international phases, with the various decisions taken all together, always take precedence over the geographical and territorial phases, but it seems right to us to grant the right local autonomies, to allow the population to directly manage, our territorial subdivisions.

    In this regard, we make two very brief premises.

    Those who find no reason to criticize us, because we are practically perfect, find a "nationalist motivation" in everything we do, which is completely and certainly unfounded. They tell us: we will never allow foreigners, or strangers, to rule in our country, or in our territory.

    To these people, who are truly frightened, we say that for us, the entire population, of every nationality, in the various territorial subdivisions is sacred. In fact, we are the only political organization which, despite being international and present at a global level, allows all people to directly manage each of our territorial organizations, in every geographical subdivision. No inhabitant of another continent will manage our continental political organization without habitually residing, or coming (by birth or citizenship), from the continent itself. Obviously, having the right to vote, and to be a candidate for elections, in the respective continent. Let's give you a simple example. Let's take the territorial subdivisions of a country like Italy, a citizen residing in Rome, Municipality IX, 12A Eur, (but we proceed in the same way for every city, of every country). A citizen with the right to vote, and to be a candidate in Italy, if our official member, up to date with the payment of the annual fee, will have the ownership (together with all our members, of each territorial subdivision), the management, the right to propose, choose, decide, vote, and complete control (in the various groups), of all our international phases, of all the continental phases of Europe (in this specific case, together with all residents, in the European continent) , of all the Italian national phases, together with all residents, with the right to vote, and to be voted in Italy, and always in the same way, of the Lazio region, of the city of Rome, of Municipality IX, and of the 12A Eur subdivision Always together, with all residents, with the right to vote, and to be voted for, in each geographical area. Therefore, no citizen, for example French, will make decisions in Italy, and the same rule applies to every country, and for every territorial and geographical subdivision. No one carries out activities, or makes decisions, in the geographical area, in which they are not entitled to do so.

    The second premise of this article refers to who must hold power and manage wealth in the various territories and is, like all our information or published articles, an integral part of all our rules. For DirectDemocracyS, it is essential to allow self-determination of all the peoples of the earth, in the territories in which the various populations are present, respecting the current territorial and geographical subdivisions, without any territorial claims, and without changes, which could cause conflicts. For DirectDemocracyS, each population must decide, in the territories in which it holds the majority, respecting and protecting every minority. Minorities have the obligation to learn the language of the country in which they find themselves, and respect the population that represents the majority, and other minorities, and also the sovereignty, and territorial integrity, of the country of the majority population. Every country, and every population, must respect, and protect, every minority, allowing the use of the minority language, and the preservation, and development, of minority cultures, traditions, and religions. Every activity must be carried out by applying logic, common sense and mutual respect. The management of the institutions, and all the riches, belong to the populations of all the various territories, and activities must be put into practice which allow for joint development at the various levels, always having the obligation to protect the areas first weaker than the population. In this regard, any foreign, indiscriminate exploitation of the riches of each territory must be permitted only with transparent contracts, in which every local person can express an opinion and control every activity carried out in their territory. Each contract must be re-discussed and decided by a majority of all the people residing in the various territories, in order to be valid, always choosing the best offer, for the well-being of the entire population. With DirectDemocracyS, the political forces, and their political representatives, lose all power, to transfer it to the populations, informed honestly and completely by groups of experts, resident in the geographical area. With groups of experts, each person will vote, and decide, on each topic, having all the necessary information, and a prediction of the consequences, of each decision made. Direct democracy, which we always put into practice, at every level, in every territory, will allow the populations to manage the institutions and the riches of their own geographical area, having, obviously, the obligation of solidarity with the neighboring geographical areas, or larger, based on mutual respect. As complicated as it may seem, putting every one of our rules into practice, we guarantee that in every area in which we will have the absolute majority of votes, in the real elections, in order to decide, we will do so, putting into practice every single word of our rules. The indiscriminate exploitation of all the riches owned by populations in difficulty must be allowed only if well-being and an adequate standard of living are guaranteed to every citizen. We ask those who are afraid and call our economic rule redistribution of income from the rich to the poor to call it by its real name: justice and honesty.

    Now that we have clarified 2 fundamental concepts, let's move on to our continental phase.

    For reasons of simplicity, we divide our planet into 6 continents.

    Africa, Asia, Europe (including all of Russia), North America, Oceania, and South America.

    Every person, with the right to vote, and be voted for, in one or more countries, of one or more continents, will be able to be part of the geographical groups, at the moment in which it is permitted, for their type of user, or from the moment in which, will be part of an authorized user type. Again, we need to specify some things. Being DirectDemocracyS, an international political organization, with geographical and territorial subdivisions throughout the world, we all take decisions together, and every international group, of any type, must be composed of at least one official representative of each population of the world (for us, what counts first are the populations, the peoples of the earth, and then the countries), and then, at least one representative, of each continent, and finally, of each country in the world. The same reasoning applies to every territorial and geographical subdivision.

    Speaking of decisions.

    In DirectDemocracyS, there are no, and there will never be, individual decisions made by a single person. Let's decide everything together. Each person, however, can propose ideas and individual projects to be implemented and put into practice, putting them into practice, at the right time, in the right place, and in the right way. For us at DirectDemocracyS, each individual is fundamental, but we decide collectively, on the basis of equality, and meritocracy, which are always guaranteed, together, all the time.

    However, there are special cases, fortunately few, in which in some countries, women, sexual minorities, or national minorities do not have rights, and often cannot vote. For us, in our political organization, every individual must be accepted and express himself freely (in the appropriate times, ways and places, according to our rules), directly engaging in politics. Therefore, in special cases, people who would not have the right to vote, and be voted for, may be admitted to vote and decide in countries where they are discriminated against.

    This rule does not apply to illegal immigrants, who will only be able to express themselves, decide and vote in our groups from their countries of origin, and not in those in which they reside illegally. If, however, an immigrant works, pays taxes, sends his children to school, and respects all laws, cultures, traditions, religions, and knows the language, in the country of residence, he can be admitted into the groups of the country of residence. residence, as well as the country of origin (if you have the right to vote and be a candidate). If the laws of the respective country do not allow him to vote, and be a candidate, in the real elections, he will not be able to vote, and be a candidate, in the closed online primary elections of DirectDemocracyS, but he will be admitted, in special groups, for immigrants legal, in each geographical area. It seems right to us to allow those who are in good standing to express themselves on the various issues that concern their lives in the new country, and when they have the right to do so, they will be able to vote and run for office. Ours is not "open-mindedness" towards immigrants, but logic, common sense, and mutual respect for all people.

    The phenomenon of emigration, caused in some cases by wars, famines, therefore by hunger and thirst, lack of medicines, and inadequate health systems, cannot be stopped, but it can be governed in an intelligent manner, even if it has always existed, and in many cases, it has allowed our species to survive. However, adequate conditions can be created in the countries of departure to limit or make departures useless. Laws must be applied, made with justice, honesty, logic, common sense, and mutual respect for all people, in the countries of departure and those of arrival. Whoever arrives in a certain territory must respect its laws, traditions, cultures and religions, obviously obtaining recognition and reciprocity that is beneficial for everyone. If the laws were applied, modifying them based on real situations, certain ultra-nationalist parties would not receive any consensus, but for some, it would be better to keep things as they are. We will make specific articles, and give our solutions, to improve everyone's life, on various topics.

    How we decide.

    In each group, each person who composes it, based on their type of user, can propose activities to carry out, discussions, or topics, based on the type of the group. After the collective choices and discussions, we move on to voting, in the respective groups, usually in a way visible to everyone. The open vote allows us to put into practice various fundamental aspects of our methodology, such as, for example, being proud of what we decide, without hiding it, and if the vote requires it, or if we wish, we can and in some cases, you must justify your choice. We also need it, to be able to give the right responsibilities, for the consequences of every decision made. For DirectDemocracyS, empowering people makes them better, and allows us to always make the right choice.

    As far as voting is concerned, the first 3 times, a majority is needed, of all the people who can vote, having the right to do so. From the 4th vote, a majority of voters is enough. This methodology allows us to have the possibility of more shared choices. There are obviously special decisions, in special votes, in special groups, which require majorities greater than 50% + 1 vote.

    As regards the times and methods of the various votes, they will be decided collectively and communicated at each vote. There are ordinary or urgent decisions on important issues, or on topics of lesser importance. For us, it is fundamental that each person can decide on everything, based on our rules, our methodology, the various phases, and the type of user.

    We will also explain how our groups, our presentation pages, our events, and all our continental activities will work in future articles.

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